So I was checking last log is dates and I see that a lot of you still come around!
How is everyone? I'm doing great! My little guy is getting BIG. He's riding his dirt bike now with training wheels of course. My hubby just got a new bike and I will be getting a new bike here with in the next 6-8 months.
Barney is no longer with us. He was PTS about a month and a half ago. The ol man was 19 at our best guess. Stormy Winter and Tigger are doing great. Don't remember if I ever told the story about Wiggles here or not. She was given to my brother who later gave her to the HS. I wasn't to thrilled about that but I won't get into it.
Me and my sister in law are talking about entering our first race sometime soon. We have to get the gutts to do it first! LOL
Love the pics!! Your son is too cute. This place has gotten so dead. But I do spend a lot of time on myspace though. Maybe we can catch up on there sometimes.
Things have slowed down here since I first joined. Maybe the newness has worn off??? Who knows. However I do have some good news to share with everyone...which I will do so in a new post :) heh heh keeps the suspense :)
Dunno about newness. The forum here was an offshoot of one that I have bad memories of, it was probably my 1st forum. Badly treated, intelligent folks that wanted to continue conversing with each other because of their kinship, began doing so here.
Esther, your boy is still a cutie pie. He looks much like my son at that age. He is now just over 19. Full of p*ss and vinegar. LOL Ok maybe not that bad. But he has the band fever. Is in one too with his brother and a couple of buddys. If ya ever want to see what the do, check out D.L.A. Destroy L.A. On myspace. I check thru their friends pictures to see if there is any incriminating ones, but none yet.
My youngest son Steven, 17 1/2 got his drivers liscence about a month ago. So I have a little more freedom. He drives himself to school now, yay. LOL
My family and I went to the Irish Festival in Pomona Calif last sunday. That was tons of fun. I was clapping and singing along. We went last year, and I got schnockered to say the least. This year I was good. I want to go both days next year............. Here we be watching the band.