I have not been on here in forever!! I hope that you keep this place going. It would be a shame to see it closed down.
I have been SUPER busy lately. I am 5 months pregnant and we find out tomorrow what we are having!!! I have been put on restricted activity due to some pain and small problems. But all is doing good right now and baby moves alot right now. Chi-Ching recently got a puppy cut! (I cannot groom him properly right now) but it should be all back by the end of the Summer. He had to have 8 of his teeth removed because he has a under shot jaw(lower jaw stick out farther then his upper) he is doing okay but it took a little while to get back into the groove of things. He has to go in soon to get his eyes checked because he cannot recognize us from a distance(even across the yard) and we are keeping ur fingers crossed for his hip tests in the fall/winter because his hips have been 'clicking' and we are so hoping that it is nothing but we won't know until he is tested. Tiocy(old kitty) is still hanging on, she has good days and bad but overall she is doing well. Asha(5-6 year old kitty) has had a complete change and is super affectionate. She used to be so snooty you could almost never touch her. Bounder is our dorky cat. He is funny and completely in love with my husband. He is getting big too. Sadly, Ariel has gone missing. We have gone looking for her everywhere. We have signs up all over the place. There is no 'pound' here. She was my daughters cat and would sleep in her room(she is 5) and she thought since it was a sunny day that she wanted to go play outside, so she let her out. Ariel had been out many times, so I know she knows where we live. We still are keeping up hope that she will be back, both me and my husband go out every day looking for her. My fear is someone stole her, she would go with anyone. I just don't know. But please keep her in your thoughts and pray she will be back soon. My daughter is taking this very hard.
Other then that......we have been pretty good! Here are some recent pictures of Chi-Ching with his new 'do'.........Enjoy!!
Thanks. Unfortunately, they were adult teeth. He lost his six incisors(top teeth between the canines) and his two bottom canines. They were causing sores on his mouth and his top teeth were causing holes in his mouth on his lower jaw. He feels so much better now!!
We are going to a dog eye doctor/specialist(can't remember what it is called) and we are hoping that it will be something simple. I just hope it doesn't get worse. He is still so young for all these problems. He is only 1 1/2! His 'breeder' refuses to answer any of my e-mails and refuses to acknowledge anything(big surprise) But we are making do. He is a kick and an all around great dog!
wow, chingys starting to have problems like all the rest of the others that have gone on before him. do you already have a new puppy in mind a miniature dachsund maybe ?
First of all, congrats on the pregnancy. Hope all goes well as I know, 1st hand, how difficult it is to run a home, care for children and pets and be restricted in your activites.
As for Chinggers, I think this is a case of the same song ("Another one bites the dust") being played again Katz. People who made every effort to give you the benefit of doubt are now sitting there, totally astonished that you're setting the scene for Chinngers to go by the wayside. He was perfectly healthy, a fine specimen of Chowdom. Then, he suddenly developes not only eye, but knee/hip/back problems as well? BOTH at the same time?
I would also like to know if you'd be willing to share his breeder's info. I for one (as someone who has bred and placed a litter) would love to contact him/her and ask why he/she is selling inferior, genetically unsound dogs and not providing support for the purchasers. That is beyond despicable and I feel the breeder should be taken to task, if it in fact the case.
For those who may be offended that I posted this, I apologize, but for pity's sake, someone needs to call like we see it.
Oh, right, this is why I do not post here very often. If you would like the so called breeder info......SURE!!! Maybe you can get an answer out of him.
Bob and Katie Twedt RHR Chows
If any of you care to keep up with what has been going on, you would have known that Chi-Ching is not going anywhere. His teeth problem was VERY REAL......
As far as his eyes, that is not something we are too worried about. Sad more then anything.(The vet confirmed she could see something behind his eye, pressure maybe but reffered me to the eye specialist before making a definite diagnosis) His hips we are hoping are not a problem at all but giving my luck, hard telling. We are testing him after he turns 2 in August. Right now, he is being put on Gluclosamine and Chondriton to help prevent anything, or help anything from getting worse. He may just have 'clicky' hips.
I know he came from a crappy breeder. I have tried my damndest to stop others from buying from them. I was hoping that his teeth were his only problem and I will be thrilled if it all ends with just the three problems, but we are prepared for more. We do not want anymore animals....especially not a Mini Dachshund(no offense, but I really don't care for them that much....My BIL loves his girl, Moka but I would not want one of my own)
Alot of things have happened, that I will not go into, but it has had MAJOR changes in my life. Probably more then you could ever imagine. There are alot of things in my life I am changing for the better. I know 'you have heard it all before' but I did not come here to ask for advice, or complain about my dog having problems. I was going through my bookmarks and found this link again and realized I haven't been on here in a long time. I was just giving an update on what has been happening around here. Rehoming, or whatever, has never been an option or even a thought with Chi-Ching. I will not give excuses or sit here and defend myself, nor try to get you to believe me. I have other things to worry about and alot less things that I need to be stressed about.
So, feel free to rant all you want, it will not other me, as I have nothing to defend since he is not going anywhere, feel free to let Bob and Katie have it.....maybe you will get an answer! I have yet to hear back from them.
For the rest, thanks very much! Chi-Ching is learning a lot of new 'tricks' on how to be better around the baby(learning to stay on HIS blanket, rather then the babys, etc) He is doing great with it. I am off to find out if I am having a boy or girl......Enjoy the rest of your day!!!
Thank you for providing the contact info. I have just sent the following message and hope that they will reply.
I have seen your name being bandied about on more than a couple of forums, NOT in a flattering way. It is being said, by one of your pup owners, that you sell genetically defective dogs and that you fail to provide any type of assistance with these problems. She also states that you refuse to reply to e-mails and phone calls from the buyer. I have asked her to provide me with your contact information, so that I may ask you myself, straight out.
Having bred and placed a litter of giant breed dogs myself, Pyrs, I am just curious as to the situation here. My own pups had a full 2 year health guarantee and a lifetime return to me policy (for ANY reason). I am in contact with all of my pups' owners and enjoy hearing of their exploits and growing experiences over the past 3 years.
Her pup is about a year and a half old and has major bite/jaw and teeth issues, is evidently going blind and has "clicking and popping" sounds from the hips/back/knees.
I would hate to think that any breeder would intentionally, as has been mentioned by this buyer, breed from less than exceptional parents and would refuse to provide some form of health guarantee for these genetic defects. Can this possibly be true? She states that she has made repeated attempts to contact you about this dog's health issues and that you simply ignore her concerns. If so, I find it terribly sad that you would bring pups into this world without following up with them at every opportunity, especially when it comes to major health concerns your buyer has about one of your pups.
If this is not the case, if you have no knowledge of these problems, perhaps you might want to address these points? It would be a terrible shame to continue to ignore the negative impressions being freely given to others as to your breeding standards and ethics.
If I should hear from them, I'll let you know how they reply. Hope that was a fair and unbiased message, giving both sides the benefit of the doubt.
Thanks. We do not know exactly what the problem is with his eyes, as of yet. We noticed at first that he could not recognize us from across the yard, he would bark at us like we were strangers until he got close enough to see us, and then get happy and excited like normal. We had the vet look but he would not look her directly in the eye and she said that she was pretty sure she saw something behind his eye but did not want to give me a definite diagnosis and reffered me to a the specialist. We had to decide what to handle first, we opted for his teeth as that was causing him pain. His eyes will be coming soon. And the vet said it is best to wait until after he turns two to test his hips to get a better answer. She did say that some dogs just have 'clicky' hips(when I groom him I will hold under his stomach to keep him standing and sometimes he will try to 'slither' over my arm raising his back feet off the ground and that is usually when I hear his hips pop. His knees and back I have not heard or felt anything from.
I got WONDERFUL responses back from him at first, he was helpful alot when it came to temperment, and training but at the FIRST e-mail of a medical problem, I have yet to hear from him again. I am not willing to give him back anyway, so a guarantee would not do me any good. But a response would be nice. And also, his parents should NEVER be bred again. That is all I want. I want no one else to go through this, and no other dogs to have to either. Please do let me know if you hear back, I would be very interested to hear what they had to say.
My understanding of the whole breeder issue is that they have been contacted and YOU (as in Katz) was the one that couldn't be reached. I got this info from someone who talked with the breeder directly.
Hope Ching goes to a rescue and to a home that will keep him. Sadly this is a patteren and we all know where this is going, when no one knows. Although this time you could just keep him to prove us all wrong, but I see him going shortly after the baby comes. I can see it now "Ching is jealous of the baby, he growles and snaps, we have to rehome him. Then a week later you will have bought something nice and expensive for yourself or hubby.
I thought you were getting him from someone different. I would not have recmomended this guy to anyone. You sent me a totally different breeder's website when you asked my opinion, in which I said everything looks good, this guy no way. These people aren't even in the same state as the breeder you sent me.
That's not the site I found when I looked, it was this one http://www.geocities.com/rhrhorse/RHRCHOWCHOWS.html I have to say, I was NOT impressed with the site, the information and especially over the look and quality of his dogs shown (or the areas in which they were pictured). I have to tell you that if I'd found this guy from the site I saw, I'd have run, not walked, the other way.
Stormy, First, his name is Chi-Ching(not Ching) and second, Chi-Ching is not going to rescue, or anywhere else. I am not keeping him to prove anything. I am keeping him period. My dog is NOT jealous of babies(we have been working with him on introducing him to my niece - 9months and my nephew - 2years) and he is not aggressive at all and would never snap at anybody. We would never allow that and he knows it. I asked about multiple breeders before going with Chi-Ching. Which one you are talking about, I do not know.
That site has changed since I got Chi-Ching. The one that I saw had pretty much only previous pups on it. I was told about him from a person who told me he was a good breeder and did not sell through a website. It was not until I had heard that he was kicked out of the AKC that I started investigating deeper.....I had already bought Chi-Ching. Stupid on my part and I am not asking for anything in return except a response(I have NOT BEEN CONTACTED by either one since Chi-Ching started having problems....They know my e-mail, they have contacted me using both - prior to his problems of course. They also know my phone number - Don't know who your source is but either they lied to you or they themselves were lied to) and for them to stop breeding Chi-Chings parents. I want no money back, I am not giving him back. I just want them to stop breeding dogs like him with problems.
If I could go back and knowing what I know now, I would probably have gotten a different dog. I love Chi-Ching but he should not have been bred and I hate that I gave them my money to continue to breed. I will never do that again.
You know what. I am not here to defend myself. I posted because I haven't been on here in forever and wanted to update about what has been going on with me. I am NOT about to get knocked down right now when today is one of the best days I have had! I have played to death that battle of attack and defend and I am not going to anymore. Sorry I came back on here at all. And no one can figure out why this place is dead?? How about because of stupid longlived grudges and taking peoples lives too personal? That tends to turn people away. All I wanted to do was say Hi and update for the people who were curious. I never once complained about my animals or their health....It was just an update.
Think what you want. Do what you want. I am going to go and start shopping for my new BABY GIRL!!!
People do live and learn, and try to do better. She knows alot more about breeders than when she first started out with dogs. As do I.
Katz, continue with your happy day, have fun getting your baby those things she needs. Do not stress out on anything. Its not good for the baby you are carrying.
Received a reply form Bob this afternoon. Here is his reply;
Don't believe all you read on an internet forum. I know who you are talking about and most of what she says is out and out lies. I did sell her Chi-Ching, her chow. She had some problems at first, all about temperment. No health issues. I answered every email and gave her advice on how to fix the problems. I also talked to her on the phone several times. Between my advice and entering the puppy in puppy classes the temperment issues were all fixed.
She just did not understand the personality of a chow, which is different than any other dog I have ever been around. The last I heard from Summer was when Chi-Ching graduated from puppy school as a very well behaved dog. If fact she was going to enter him in agility competition because he was doing so well. There was never a mention of health issues. I have heard what has been said about me and my dogs on this forum and have chosen to ignore it.
I have been breeding chow chow puppies for over 15 years and during that time have never failed to respond to any questions or issues that have come up. When you have been breeding for as long as I have you are bound to produce some puppies with issues. That is the law of averages at work. I have people who are coming back to buy their second or third puppy from me because they are happy dealing with me and happy with my puppies. I do back my puppies for the lifetime of the dog and have replaced several puppies who had a problem that showed up when they grew up. Not every puppy is perfect and some things just don't show up until the dog gets older.
There are several other people on this same forum who have bought puppies from me who have visited my kennel, seen my dogs, and are in the process of buying another puppy from me to keep the one they already have company. All the puppies I have ever sold have a permanent home here with me if they don't work out for the new owner. Some people are satisfied just to bring the puppy back home, some are satisfied with a partial or full refund, and others are not satisfied no matter what you do. These are the ones who get on the forums and talk about the terrible breeder they are having all the problems with.
As I stated earlier, Summer has never contacted me about any health problems. That is a lie, as is the story that I don't return emails or phone calls. I never fail to respond to anyone who has bought a puppy from me, even if I can't help them with a problem they are having. At the very least I can usually direct them to somewhere on the internet that might have an answer to any question I am not sure of.
From what I have been told there are also people on the same forum who have defended me and my puppies. Why not believe them as soon as to believe Summer? I have gotten a couple of pretty nasty emails from people on this same forum and have ignored them also. They have already formed an opinion and I will never change it. I just don't know how people can bad mouth me or my dogs when they have never met either.
"Being owned by a chow chow is Gods way of teaching me humility."