No ones ever here anymore. Oh well. I'll post my news anyway. I feel like I just posted this thread. I'm having another baby. I didn't plan this and yes I know how it happens. Oh well, it was meant to be. The baby is due Nov. 19th and Sophia was born Nov. 7th, just one year before. This is going to get interesting. Sophia is 6months old now. She's already sitting and crawling! It's so scary that she's doing these things so early. She also has the wierdest temperament. She's either the happiest little thing ever or she's the angriest thing ever. She'll be laughing, laughing, laughing and than the next second she's screaming and is so angry. Very strange. That's okay. She's still one of the lights of my life and it looks like now I'm going to add a 4th (5 if you count my husband.) I hope everyone is well.
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
My two are 22 months apart. Its hard when they are hmm 3, but after that its really good because they are close. You have a girl and boy, I have both boys. With mine, they always had the same circle of friends. I always knew where they were.
Nope, not a girl and a boy, I have 3 girls. I'm not brave. I consider myself stupid. My husband goes for his vasectomy consultation on Friday. This pregnancy was SOOOO not planned. I had my 3 little girls and I was super happy with my life. I'm really having a hard time with this. Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful that I'm one of the lucky ones that can carry babies to term. I've never had a miscarriage. It's just that, I didn't and still don't want 4 kids. Some days I feel like I can't take care of the 3 I have. I'm sure everything is going to work out fine in the end. The problem is that I'm going to have to wean Sophia early instead of letting her self wean, unless she decides to do it early herself. I just don't see how I can breast feed 2 at once. I'm going to have 2 in diapers, I'm going to have 2 babies that are totally dependent on me. I've never wanted twins for that reason. I just don't know that I'm capable of caring for 2 infants at once. I'm really scared about this.
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
Its hard, but you will get thru it. Yeah you probably would have to wean her. Being with me, everytime I would go to nurse my youngest, my other one would cry about wanting something to drink too, in a bad way. But you will survive. LOL Congratulations by the way. Your kids will love have siblings, trust me, I come from a large family, and I loved it.
Congrats!!! I'm sure you will do just fine. Just think you could be pregnant with I just got done watching a show where this lady was about to deliver 6 babies...3 boys and 3 girls. So feel sorry for her
Zoe you will do fine! Everything will work out. Maybe this one will be a little boy, unless you do not want a boy. Poor guy, no woman would want to date him because he would have 3 older sisters! LOL
Congrats!!! I'm sure you will do just fine. Just think you could be pregnant with I just got done watching a show where this lady was about to deliver 6 babies...3 boys and 3 girls. So feel sorry for her
Or worse, they have been having shows on t.v. showing the lives of familys with like 17 kids. LOL 4 is a peice of cake right. LOL
Sorry Zoe, I just now saw this. Congrats first of all! I know it wasn't planned, but I have a feeling you'll do just fine *hugs* My friend had hers close like that. It wasn't planned either (she didn't know that you could get preggo if you were nursing since she wasn't menstrating) She said the first year was challenging, but now she wouldn't want it any other way. Her kids are super close, and the youngest learned things SO much quicker (like potty training) because they were only 11 months apart. So even though her oldest wasn't potty trained until 3, her younger was at 2. So they got potty trained at the same time.
Another nice thing about having the forth is that you never get that middle child thing going on. Someone always has someone. I always wanted 4 for that reason, so there wouldn't be the 'odd one out', lol.
Also, if this one happens to be a boy, I'm sure all the girls will really help out and dout on him. And if it is a girl, then I'm sure they will all be close when the grow up. Makes it easy for rooms too, 2 girls to a room if they each couldn't have their own.
I hope things go well, and just remember...if you ever feel overwhelmed, don't be afraid to ask for help. I think as mothers, we sometimes feel like we have to take it all on by ourselves. It doesn't make you less of a mum if you ask for help once in awhile. It means your human. And you're a better mum if you're happy :)
As far as the vasectomy, be careful with that too. My husband had one the beginning of the April, and soldiers are still hanging around! Darn things won't go away. If he's thinking about doing it, I would advise right now so that he's sterile by the time the baby comes. Tell your hubby that it's not that bad either. My hubby went to work the next day. He said it wasn't too bad.
Take care! *hugs*
-The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all
Well, things happen for a reason. You need to want the new baby, anyhow. Poor little mite will end up your favorite, last kid always is... My brother has 4 kids. His are real far apart [I call it his wife's seven year itch].