A father finds his four year old daughter outside brushing their dog's teeth using his toothbrush.
Dad asks, "What are you doing with my toothbrush?"
The daughter replies, "I'm brushing his teeth. But don't worry dad, I'll rinse it out when I'm done just like I always do."
I about spit my tea on the computer screen, I can picture my girls doing this!! As a matter of fact I remember when I was little I used our hair brush to brush our outside dog... I'm sure my mother was proud. I can't imagine sharing a toothbrush, I caught Riley "testing" Cosmo's doodie the other morning. Needless to say he has lost his job of waking the girls up in the morning. (He usually licks them on the face to wake them up - Not anymore)
I can see my daughter doing something like that. I would laugh as long as it was her daddies. Kids can be so funny even when they are doing something that isn't right.