Well I got home from work tonight & it was beautiful out so I stayed outside with the dogs for a couple of hours playing fetch & just relaxing.
I finally decided I was hungry so I went and fixed myself a sausage sandwich. Took it into the computer room so I could play on the PC & watch TV. Well quite a while later I heard this loud noise, both dogs jumped up, started barking & ran like the dickens out to the kitchen.
I was puzzled and couldn't imagine what the heck it was so I followed them. Well, I forgot that I had decided to make some macaroni salad so I had put a pot of water for the pasta on to boil as well as a pan with a couple of eggs to be hardboiled. The noise we heard was the result of both pans of water boiling dry and the eggs exploding.
Needless to say I decided I had better wait to make the salad to a time when I might be more apt to pay attention to what the heck I'm doing!
lmao, I do stuff like that sometimes, usually with just leaving stuff out on the counter I think only once did I leave something on the stove while it was still on. thankfully I had mac that day and he was growling and whining at something so I went downstair and turned it off before a fire started or something.
A neighbor of mine did something like that. He puts waffles in the oven, takes several valium, gets tired and goes and lays down in bed. A couple hours go by and he gets wakened by a couple of firemen at his bed. Apperently, the waffles burnt, and caused smoke, so much smoke that neighbors called the fire department. Unfortunately, the police came and arrested him for growing pot in his room, that the firemen discovered. From then on, everyone called him "the Waffle Man"
Everyone knows that the double edged sword is always the weapon of choice for slaying dragons.
That's got to be what it was Ansy - after all I was a couple of hours late getting on the PC tonight since I wanted to enjoy the nice weather outside for a while.
It's been a long time since I did something like that. The worse was years ago I decided to cook a corned beef one evening when my husband was working midnights so he could have some for sandwiches the next day. Well needless to say I fell asleep on the couch watching TV. I woke up in the early hours of the morning to a house full of smoke which smelled horrendous and another pan boiled dry and what started out as a large corned beef was now the size of a large orange and totally black.
ROFLMFAO!! I just did that not more than a couple weeks ago!! I was going to make some hardboiled eggs 'cuz I wanted some deviled eggs, and got the water and eggs on the stove, on high, and came in here to answer some posts and ended up chatting with someone and totally forgot about them, till I heard this weird hissing sound and went to see what it was and the eggs were dry!! They'd prolly been in there for 1/2 hour or so!! At least they didn't break all over the place!! I still used them for devilled eggs though. They were kind of tasteless, but still ok, lol. I am definitely NOT Susie Homemaker!!
That's ok. I turned on the drips for my plants in the back yard then came in to the house and was watching tv. Next thing i know, hubby is home and said "you forget the water?" I jumped up and looked out back and sure enough....the yard was flooded! I had fallen asleep......lol
I haven't done anything like that since I was like 12 years old. Needless to say I thought I could put a whole egg in the microwave and cook it. I did put it in water but evidently it wasn't enough. The egg ended up exploding in the microwave. It was the biggest mess ever.
For your information Shadow, I turn 23 tommorrow. LOL!!!!! And I lose my car keys every other day. Brad gets so mad at me because I just lay them down anywhere. Same with my sunglasses.
Paige, I find myself doing things like that ALL THE TIME!!! Can't find my shoes, can't find my sunglasses, can't find my purse......the list goes on and on. The remote is the worst one for me, lol. I'm always losing that thing!! Brad gets mad at me too. I'm only 2 years younger than you too!! lol. So, even younger people can lose things like their minds sometimes, Shadow!! LOL.
Yeah Mollie, the bad thing about it is that I will come in from work, throw the keys down, change clothes, get ready to go to the grocery store, and I can't find my car keys anywhere. And let me add that only 10 minutes have gone by. Then it takes me 20 minutes to find them. And we only have one car right now so it really makes Brad mad to lose the keys.
But soon I will have my own car and then its up to me to keep up with the keys. Scary!!!
LOL..The funny things that happen in our kitchens...I have had a few flops too..and I consider my self a pretty good cook...I made a rubarb pie opnce that was as heavy as a cinder block..lol..people laughed at me for the longest..I also made muffins one new years eve...Thinking I would take them to friends the next day. Well..I have always had a problem with tsp and tbl...so..you can read the writing on the wall..I put TABLESPOON in of baking soda instead of tsp..And they were so ronchie..I tossed them out the door...I live in the sticks remember...Well..the darn possium didnt want them...niether did the coons..My ex at the time went out and got the soaked clumps picked up and I never lived that one down either...But..I have more sucess stories then flopps...LOL..
I have not done anything like that in ages. Did you know that once you get the water boiling with the eggs in it, you just put the top on and turn off the heat. It continues to cook.