Yes, it could be, but right now life is really stressing me out!
Last year in April, I know I broke a bone in my hand, I didn't get it checked. It hurt so bad for many months, but then felt a little better. Well, with all this yard has been killing me...right...that's been bad enough....
Last night, in one of the holes that Rocky dug....I SPRAINED MY ANKLE!!!! It is so swollen and bruised! I swear I cussed at him for 10 minutes, these holes were dug throughout the winter and of course he looked at me like..."What are you bi*&#ing about???"
I ignored it and kept on working like nothing was wrong and by 9:00 I was really regretting it! So now I am venting!!
I am having a huge graduation (David), You did Great (Travis), Birthday (Dad and me) party on June 4th and now I am GIMPY!!!!!
I totally know what you mean. I have been jiffed out of $400.00 and can't pay my house payment and now my e-bay account has been hacked into and I have been suspended from e-bay! They want me to do the live help option but it is down right now so i am screwed. I'm afraid to wake up and find out what's next.
The words that come to mind are::::: This too shall pass...Im sorry that the yard work isnt getting you down... I know you want it perfect for the party...And..most likely it will be...but you will be put through the ringers doing Oasis...I dont no any thng about ebay...are you selling or buying? Sorry about the hacking...An older German lady used to tell me all the time when life got me down...Better days are coming...and they did..sprinkled in with the bad wish you both a peaceful blessed day...
I feel a little better today...I still got out there yesterday and got a lot of work done, but this ankle is slowing me down!! lol
I can totally relate to the Ebay thing, been there done that, and it is frustrating, wait til you see what they make you go through to re-instate! What a pain in the BEHIND!!!!
MPP, bones take moths to heal, could be that its not healed completely due to restressing it. How about putting one of those wrist guard things on it and really keeping it safe. Don't do anything strenguos with it for maybe a month at least. With breaks its aweful becuase usally when cold weather comes along you really feel it. I think I did something to my wrist. Probably not broke, though it hurt, not it hurts in cold weather. Rest that ankle as much as you can keep it up so's not to cause swelling. There now little girl you listen to mamma puttin. LOL I'm a mom, but maybe not that old. I have teen boys.
Been I tore the...........ready for this?..........Triradial Cartlige in my wrists and had to have 3 operations on my left wrist. It was one of the worst pains i have had in my life and I was out of work for a year and a half! Now i have no more cartlige in my wrist and STILL have
I need to just suck it up and go get my wrist checked. It is actually in my hand right at the wrist. There is now a lump there. I was carrying an arm load of clothes, tripped over toys, dropped the clothes and caught myself in the doorway and it just SNAPPED! I was alone and I was jumping around scraming like a lunatic!! Had to be funny to watch, thank god I was alone. But like an hour later it didn't hurt that bad. Went and bought a wrist wrap and acted like it was ok.....well, I don't think it is! lol
As far as my could have been alot worse. Still a little swollen, but I have been getting around just fine. Normally, I take pain well and Russ is always amazed how I ignore it! Both knees are always swollen, had surgery on one, the other needs it, but I keep on truckin!! This wrist though is getting the best of me. HHMMPPHH! DOCTORS! BLAH! I hate going, but I think I am making the call today! (maybe) lol
You really should get it checked out though, MPP. It may not be so bad now, but you could end up injuring it even worse if you don't do something about it, then you'll really be up sh*t creek!! Go get help now, I know dr.s are a pain in the a$$, but at least you'll still have your wrist and ankle. You could end up permanently injuring it if you don't do something about it.