I also emailed Dusty from the email used for this website. rhonda@arankerries.it I will be happy to email any of you FROM that email address. You can try to email me, but it may not accept it due to spam blockers used on it. We are a large operation and have to screen our emails.
I would think that recieving an email from that address would be good enough. If I would have mailed Dusty from Hotmail or something I could understand his/her concern, but I didn't.
I am contacting the administrator of this site. This is just foolish.
My site, www.cpsabuse.org is copyrighted.....and while my personal email is dorothy@cpsabuse.org the email addy on the page is info@cpsabuse.org There are quite a few reasons to do this....one being, I can keep mail to me specifically to me separate from general emails, which I usually end up referring to another advocate instead of responding myself.