...........and just so damn excited to be here!!! I missed y'all so much!! And today I was just sitting around, waiting for the cable guy to show up, lol. I woke up at 9 and thought to myself "I have 6 hours till the cable guy shows up, what will I do until then to make the time go faster??" I had a meeting at the nursing home at 1, so that helped some...... But, yeah, I'm REALLY PSYCHED TO BE HERE!!! I had a ton of catching up to do!! Kinda in a daze right now from reading all the stuff, but I think I'll catch up..............eventually, lol. Brad's dying to have the computer right now too, but I think I'll make him wait just a few more minutes.............................I'm so evil!!
I said in a post earlier today,that I bet you were impaitenly waiting.Good to see you here.Be nice to Brad now ,ya here!!!!Me and my husband do the same thing with the computer.
Thanks for the welcomes, everyone!! It's great to be back!! I know, Shadow, that's what I was referring to, LOL. I'll try and be nice to him, but I hafta go to work at 5:30 and he'll have till 8 to play on the computer!! LMAO I'm just so glad to be back, finally!! Last week, I was wondering how I was gonna make it a whole week and a half without the Furum!! Then the days just flew by after that, till Sunday, I was really wanting to chat and I couldn't And I didn't even have any access to a computer with Internet the whole time!! I thought I would be able to use my mommy's computer, but they had flooding in their basement, which is where the comp is, so she had it all unplugged and what not. But I made it!! I'm alive and well and hoping that y'all are as well.
Glad that your Back Mollie..I know the feeling being with out pc's..or sharing..We have 5...well 4 hooked up( networked) and a spare..and we did this so we dont have to share...And Hubby and I both want laptops and will add a wireless network in a month or so..we are getting too lazy to come to the basemnt wherer the family room is...and thepc's are. Sorry to hear of the familys flooding whoas...I would really hate that type of thing...I didnt have a basement the last 2 houses I bought and when we were designing this one we made a walkout into our gully and woods..really quiet breautiful..and useful. I wouldnt know what to do if we flooded...I will send warm dry wishes to you papernts...I hope the moving is coming well and your not getting over whelmed...Take care..Cya soon
Thank you, everyone!! It's good to know that I was missed!! Very glad to be back though, and to see that no one has been banned or anything since I've been gone. Good to see EVERYONE!!!