Thank You to everyone who volunteered to be a moderator. This place cannot run smoothly without the volunteered time of these people.
As some of you know, protodog has been MIA for quite some time. She will remain listed as a moderator. I sincerely hope nothing is wrong, but it is strange that she hasn't been on in quite some time. Lets keep protodog in our thoughts.
With proto's absence, my time being limited here, and an increase in members, I am naming 3 new moderators to The Furum. Those members are:
I will announce the moderators of the NC17 and the TP folders by tomorrow.
Current moderators are given priority, but I believe we may be adding another new name or two for those folders.
Please be nice and respect your fellow mods, even if they make a decision you don't agree with. We have a nice array of personalities within the moderation team and I believe that will make for fairness and smoothness of the board.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to PM me or post on the board.
Congrats, you guys. Be talking at you soon. I wondered why no posts from Proto. I thought it was because I am not on too often. I hope all is well with you, Proto.
Will they be able to cease the two perps continously posting nonsensical, rambling and LONG rants about:
how much this forum sucks
how much they cannot stand Ansy's leadership capabilites
how it isn't fair Jawlaw is a mod?
how everyone is always picking on them
If the new moderators cannot stop the incessant whining, I don't see the point of the assignment.
I mean really. One of the perps writes tirades longer than James Michener's description of salmon in the book "Alaska". Homer's Odyssey is shorter than those rant fests. The last rant was longer than Jesse Helm's fillibuster to block civil rights legislation.
Then again, I guess that is the point of this forum as opposed to others. Speech is uninhibited.