Hip Hip Hooray!!!! I finally can get online again! It has been so long since I've been able to spend time here that it will take me FOREVER to catch up! You guys sure have been busy while I've been away so if there is something important that I should be up on please let me know!
I see alot of new names so here is a great big WELCOME to all our new members! I look forward to getting to know all of you & your furpals!
My PC had 2 viruses and then when I hooked it back up I couldn't get an internet connection. Lo & behold the problem wasn't due to something idiotic I had done (for a welcome change)! The cable co. had to come today & install a new line from the pole to the house - they were amazed that my cable TV was still getting reception.
So again, I'm glad to be back & now I guess I had better get busy reading all these posts!