I saw some blood on my pillow after trinity had her head on it so I was looking her over trying to find out where it came from. It wasn't alot of blood but blood is blood I tryed to get some pictures of it and this is the best I could get.
This picture of it is kind of dark sorry but if you look right above my hand you can see it. Sorry about the mess in my room. LOL.
She kept moving and I am hoping everything is ok. It sometimes bleeds but very little. I don't know if its from scratching, an allergy, or if it might just be a blister which is possible since she spends alot of time outside and here in texas it is hot. I have never really noticed it because you leterally have to lift up her snout to see it.
The only place I've seen trinity scratch alot is her belly but I think thats because her nipples are still sticking out and for some reason she wants to chew on them. LOL