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The Paranormal ..believer or skeptic?

 Im just interested to see what peoples views are on the paranormal.. and if anyone has a tale to tell !..are you a sceptic and think its aload of old guff or do you believe in the paranormal..



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I believe in it and have too many stories to write


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Hey! That's the Super Mario ghost!! =)

Anyway, yes, I believe in the paranormal. Heard too many stories, including a few from my family, and have had a couple small experiences.


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yeah it is the super mario ghost ..*sigh* many hours spent on that game lol

what is an orb exactly i have a pic with an orb in it and i was just wondering what the heck it is .. heard the term but not the explanation

a couple of things happened in the house aswell but i'll have to tell later as im in the middle of cooking tea!


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I also believe.. There are a few stories in my family. Sometimes I think that my house has a spirit in it as well.


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Yes, I believe as well and have several stories that make me think that way. I swear when I was younger that my dad's basement was haunted, lol. My room was down there, and my TV in my room would always turn on and off on it's own. I could see it turning off because of power interruptions and such, but I always thought it was weird that it would turn on. Also, I had this thing from Australia that my cousin gave me. It was a long tube with strings inside of it. You would pluck the strings to make this weird music. You could shake it, drop it, etc and it wouldn't make a sound. It would only make the sound if you plucked the string with your finger. But it would always make the sound on it's own. When no one was standing by it. It would just be leaning against the wall in the corner and all of sudden start making noise, it was weird. Just little stuff like that...


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Love Super Mario....:)

I have no idea what an orb is, exactly...but my cousin Stephen showed me some pics (of us in it to) on his camera and it had a few with an orbs in it. He also had pics of this rural place in Illinois and there were white figures and what looked like fog that wasn't there when he took the pic. creepy stuff.


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right finished tea (chinese chicken and egg fried rice ) and heres what happened the other night *cue sinister music*

me an michael woke up at 2:30 in the morning (which is weird firstly because we always sleep the whole night through) well we just cuddled up and tried to get back to sleep ..we just settled and heard a loud crack in the room ..we both lay there and i said nothing i was just too freaked out.. and i think michael was just puzzled at what the sound was .. well michael being the braver one got up and turned the light on and right next to michaels head was a think coca-cola glass (which he usually takes to bed for a sip before he goes to sleep) ..

well the glass was shattered into tiny pieces about a 1cm x 1cm but the glass had not fell all over the place it had just shattered but stayed in the glass shape .. ...

The next night the fire alarm kept going off outside our bedroom door (the battery was changed only a couple of days before as im real safety concious about the alarm) michale checked the whole house but no fire ..the damn thing just kept going off until morning..

and also harvey keeps acting real scared and anxious of going into the room where he is never normally afraid of  


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heres the pic with the 'orb' in it


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if you save the pic to your computer and zoom in on it , its pretty freaky


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we lived in a haunted house for 11 years. and over that time we all saw plenty. a couple of years later my daughter kayla, saw it on the news as #1 of the top 10 haunted houses in tacoma. my dad is a minister and he even had come and blessed the house , to no avail. family and friends got to where they didnt want to even come for a visit. i was never so glad to be out of that place. and yes  I BELIEVE !!!   Haunted House 

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Oh Do I ever believe. Just the other day at work it was only me and one other person there. Well she was were I could see her. I go to the back and turn the water on. I walk back up front and the water turns off, I know it was turned off cause it makes this really annyoing squeaking sound. Well I thought maybe someone was playing a joke and I went and searched the place for someone and no one was there. So I'm like really freaked out at this point. I turned the water back on walked back up front and again is was turned off. So I left it off this time and didn't go to the back until there were more people at work!

The store is right next to a state park and after talking to one of the park rangers he told me that there was a body found right behind the store about 5 years ago. Everyone at work swears up and down they will see a man standing in the back of the store with a blue shirt on. Everyone has said the same thing ''I swear there was someone just standing there". The other manager thought I was crazy until today. We were standing there talking and all the sudden he gets this really weird look on his face. I said to him let me guess a guy in a blue shirt, he said yes and we went to look and of course there was no one there.

I have alot of stories at my house and at my grandfathers house in Maine that was bulit in the late 1800's. My hands are already tired from typing this LOL so i'll post them later tonight.


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If you would have asked this question a week ago I would have just laughed and probably not replied to the thread, but..I think it was last week..I was at my friends nephew's house and his girlfriend had convinced me to play on a Ouija board. Before that night I was definitely not a beleiver in the "supernatural" and considered it all a bunch of bologna. When I first played on it I just thought it was the girl moving the "oracle" so I couldn't help but laugh when profanity was being spelled out and random letters and numbers being shown. But then I started asking questions to "the ghost", like what their name was and how old they were and she showed me that she was a 4 year old girl, and she was there with her dad. I still didn't quite believe that a ghost was moving the oracle but I had no way of finding out. The next night I decided that the only way to be sure it wasn't anyone else moving it but the "supernatural" I concentrated on a question..not aloud but in my head, I didn't want to ask anything that I would get a scary answer to like anything about death so instead I just asked the spirit to move the oracle to the number I was thinking of. It immediately moved over the 3-the exact number I was thinking of. Then after being shocked, I concetrated on another question, still not wanting to ask anything that would scare me, I asked in my head how many months old my puppys were, then what their names were, and I just kept asking questions like that, the whole time the girl I was playing with kept asking me what I was asking because she didn't know why it was spelling out random numbers and words..I was really scared and surprised..that was the last time I've played on it since..I think I'm too afraid to really ask it anything important.


-- Edited by sandysmommie at 16:42, 2005-07-19


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Ohhh thats spooky. I will not touch one of those things.  I'd rather not know.  I beleive Tink that orbs are like balls of energie from the spirit trying to show itself. Something like that.  I have a few pictures with orbs too. We were all talking about them a few months ago.


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hey twink...I saved that pic with the orb and when I zoomed in, it looked like it had a face (turned sideways, eyes on left, mouth to the right!) It probably isn't but it's still freaky, regardless!


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There have been a few weird things that have happened in my house.

First**** Me and Brad were in the bedroom talking and we heard this weird strange noise from the living room. We went up front to see what it was and caught Kaitlyn about to stick something in a light socket. She knows how to pull out the protective plug.

Second**** Once I thought I saw a shadow in the hallway but no one was home but me.

Third**** Our desk light went out about 7 months ago and we never replaced the bulb but a month ago the light flashed on then off. Scared the crap out of me.

But our house is 80 years old so you never know what your gonna get in these old homes.


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i think that if there are such things, and the bible mentions manifestations, that they are not of god, therefore evil.  im not sold on ghosts haunting a house or anything Toilet Paper House 

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I've heard the same as Puttin said.  Orbs are spirits trying to show them selves.  I've seen pictures with faces in them.  You can tell if it's an orb or a spot on your lense (for sceptics) by taking several quick pics of the same thing at one time.  If it's a spot on the lense, the spot will be in the same place in every pic but if it's an orb, it may move or it will not be there.  It's an interesting


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im getting goosebumps just reading all that . Michael said if anything else happened he would move and he is a major sceptic but it freaked him out when that happened .. im a real scaredy cat when it comes to all things spooky ..

When i zoomed in on that orb it made me get chills ..i should have took more photos but at the time i had never heard of them (orbs) an were just taking pics of the party showed michael an he told me to not be stupid lol .

a few weeks ago i thought i saw a figure in the living room sweep past but im unsure .. at the time i wasnt thinking anything spooky as it was before the weird stuff happened


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hers a good site that looks at this topic from most angles.(they even have voice recordings of 'ghosts') they even have an area for sceptics, and ouijia boards

~as for ouijia boards my mum is definatley not a believer in the paranormal but she told me NEVER to mess around with something you dont understand ..and for her to say that i  wouldnt touch them

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