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~Grand Champion~ Gold Medal Poster!

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I was just downloading some music and I just thought I would ask everyone of their favorites. I just got done downloading some Slipknot and Tool. Very awesome bands. I just love the lead singer on Tool/Perfect Circle, his voice is awesome. And I have always had a crush on the drummer of Slipknot, even though he wears a mask. I think thats what I find so sexy. LOL!!!! I also love Rob Zombie. I know y'all must think I am weird. LMAO!!!


Post-a-Holic - Give this person a rabies shot!

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It's weird, I'm not a super big music person. I mean, I listen to music when I'm in the car and stuff, but I hardly ever buy CD's. I do really like Linkin Park though. I just think it's amazing that Chester can make screaming sound so good, lol.

And don't laugh about this one, but I really like the song from Disney's Treasure Planet, 'I'm Still Here'. It's sung by the lead singer of the Goo Goo Dolls. I really like that one. If you haven't heard of it, here's the link to listen to the song: Click on 'real 28K' next to the play button :


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Chester from Linkin Park owns the chain of tat parlors that hubby and i get our tats at.  They are my fav.


~Grand Champion~ Gold Medal Poster!

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I have to admit that I can not stand Linkin Park. Everytime their song comes on I have to turn the station. I think it has to do with the one guy that talks/raps. He's the one I can't stand.


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eagles, ac/dc, and kidd rock are my favs at the moment, but g&r will always have a place in my heart Band 

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~Best In Show~ Senior Board Member!

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i listen to country western and southern rock. i also like lynard skynard, eagles, elton john and my favorite of floyd.

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I listen to everything. If you looked in my cd case, you'd find 100's of different cd's of all genres of music. From George Strait to Big Tymers and Dr. Dre. From Slipknot to Marilyn Manson to Oldies but Goodies. I like it all. I have to say my fav is country though. What can I say, I grew up on it and George Strait is my most favorite of all. And I really have to admit to being embarassed by Slipknot, sorry Paige. I really hate the fact that that garbage, that screaming and random loudness came from Iowa. BLEGH!!! I think that anyone who just screams into a microphone and calls it music is really ripping people off!! My bro has been trying to get into music for years, even does the Colgate Country Challenge every year when it comes to Arnold's Park, and do you think he can get anything?? NOPE!! He's really talented, likes to sing old style country best- George Strait and Garth Brooks. He even wrote a song for when he proposed to his now wife. I just can't believe that some no-talent junk "band" would be out there, screaming into a microphone, making millions of dollars and my bro is really working hard, trying to make a buck. Heck, I could scream into a microphone and make random beats on some garbage cans, gimme a million dollars, please!! Sorry for the rant, just had to let it out. Feel better now, lol


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i listen to what ever takes my mood at the time ..ive got quite a broad taste with cds from barry white, van morrison, marvin gaye, g'n'r, deff leopard  to more modern stuff but i much prefer the oldies


Post-a-Holic - Give this person a rabies shot!

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wow mollie!!! that is an impressive collection.    what a variety!! Mix Master 

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~Best In Show~ Senior Board Member!

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i,m not into that screaming stuff either. i went out with my two neices and two sisters one night. the place they chose was really cool until the band started up. my lord ! they didnt even sing, they just screamed through every freaking song ! not even into it an hour and i had a migraine headache, a toothache, a backache, a stiff neck and i could feel my eyes starting to cross. my eardrums went within the first ten minutes and i knew death was a sure thing if i had to endure it all much longer. i gave them all an ultimatum.we either leave now or i would flip out and not be responsible for any damages i did to the place or the band. we ended up in a karaoke bar and i swear i couldnt hear anything that was sung for the screaming that was still echoing in my head.i got home ,took several aspirins and laid under the headphones listening to pink floyds "dark side of the moon" and called it a night !!  Screamer

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~Best In Show~ Senior Board Member!

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Um, Ok.
I am willing to check them out.
Where I work I am subjected to a band every night...


~Grand Champion~ Gold Medal Poster!

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LMAO @ Mollie.... The lead singer to Slipknot also has another band. He actually sings in it. Very good voice. They name is Stone Sour. You should listen to it very different than Slipknot.

I also like Disturbed and Mudvayne. So I guess y'all realize that I am into heavy music. LOL!!! There is also a new song out that I love. It called 2 a.m. and some chick sings it. Very good.


~Grand Champion~ Gold Medal Poster!

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I can't get into much rap,  but 80's rock bands are all cool Thats what I grew up listening too as a teen, R&B I like alot , Country music is great too. I even love Andre Boccelli the blind italian singer.  He could sing about cleaning toilets, I would not know, LOL But he's awesome. I'd love to see him an opera or concert.



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Paige wrote:

LMAO @ Mollie.... The lead singer to Slipknot also has another band. He actually sings in it. Very good voice. They name is Stone Sour. You should listen to it very different than Slipknot.
I also like Disturbed and Mudvayne. So I guess y'all realize that I am into heavy music. LOL!!!

I agree, Stone Sour is a good band. He actually sounds "normal" lol. I have the first Disturbed cd and I have MTV's Return of the Rock cd, with Disturbed on it. I really liked them when they first came out, but I have a hard time listening to them now, for some reason. I think my taste in music has changed some, I guess. Brad really likes them and he likes ICP (which I hate) and Dark Lotus (which I really hate) and Twiztid (which I really really hate, lol). Of course we have different tastes in music, but he's pretty versatile too, except he DOES NOT like country. If he liked country, it would make riding in the car so much more bearable for him!! lol


Post-a-Holic - Give this person a rabies shot!

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I love a certain degree. I grew up teaching myself classical on the piano. Since no one would get me lessons!  That's a whole other story...

I love most country. I am a classics fan though, like Eagles, Elton John, Meatloaf, Triumph, Journey, Littel River Band etc....

Then I LOVE 80's music. I am a huge Cure fan, INXS, Def Lep, etc...

I also like some rap. Dance music. I like Techno stuff.

I reallly love bluegrass. My dad and I are blues and bluegrass fans.

My dad raised me on Stones, Led Zep, Cream, ZZ Top, Hendrix. I think I can listen to just about anything.....except crooners! lol

Bands/music I don't like......boy bands. Madonna, Brittany, etc...

I love musicals too, even the old time ones.


~Grand Champion~ Gold Medal Poster!

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I have every single ICP song downloaded. They are so funny....Me and my Brad listen to the same music so we never have bad car rides. I can't listen to country either...unless I am forced to.


Post-a-Holic - Give this person a rabies shot!

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I can't handle constant screaming in a song.....just doesn't seem like music to me, but I listen to alot of the bands mentioned here. Heck, I have that tells you what I hear! lol   As far as kids go, I have a prep, a skateboarder, a celler dwellar music freak, and a "I am so popular" I listen to what everyone else does.  So I get a variety of music around here, mostly I hear the bass though! lol

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