I just got this email last night from a friend in PA. I guess she is part of an organization called WWW.Noahswish.com. Has anyone heard of this? I was not familiar with it. She told me she may be going over to Romania to help out over there. Well, she was more less asking for a donation to help out.
I didn't know if any of you could help them out, too. Just trying to spread the word.
Here the email that was forwarded to me...
Good Morning From the West Coast!
I wanted to update you on the two disasters we are working on right now. Hurricane Emily Now that Emily has finally made landfall the initial reports seem to indicate she did no more damage than Dennis did. We made some contacts with animal groups in Texas prior to Emily arriving and our offer to help if Emily caused some serious problems were well received. As of this morning it looks like those groups weathered the storm just fine. We will continue to watch what is going on throughout the day and report any new developments.
Romania Flood The reports that we are getting from Romania continue to indicate that the animals are really struggling, not to mention the people too. Relief efforts are sporadic and people are at a loss what to do. With so many homes destroyed and property inaccessible, make shift human shelters are full. When you see the number of people who are now homeless you can only image how many animals have no where to go either. Unfortunately, there has been a huge loss of life to animals. And, if the ones that survived become a nuisance steps will be taken to "get rid" of them. In Romania methods of euthanasia are not humane. I won't give you the details but what was explained to me yesterday was horrifying. An animal eradication program was a possibility when we were in Sri Lanka too. Thankfully, it never happened but I think in Romania there is a much stronger chance it will. They are more "organized" and they could initiate doing this fairly quickly. There is no doubt that we need to be in Romania helping. Yes, it is a long way from the states and resources that would go into these efforts might take away from efforts to help animals here. But, we have made the commitment to bring attention to the plight of animals during disasters in other parts of the world because NO ONE ELSE IS DOING IT.
We didn't know this flood was going to happen but now that we have seen what it has done, we can't ignore it like the rest of the world is. We have an enormous challenge ahead of us but we are going to do it. With our knowledge and experience it is time to raise the awareness to an audience that is completely blind to the plight of animals during disasters. The indifference we are seeing right now in this flood is a clear indication that something MUST change!
Unfortunately, the donations have been short of what we need. It does not surprise me because of where the disaster is and the fact that the news media is overlooking this tragedy. We have sent out several hundred press releases and we do know of several articles that are going to be done tomorrow. But it may not be enough to fund this response. That is why we need your help. As part of the Noah's Wish team, we are a team and we all need to be willing to do what it takes to save animals during disasters. This sometimes involves making some sacrifices. Believe me, Sheri and I have done our share, still doing our jobs without receiving a paycheck for over 3 years. Therefore, if you can afford to make at least a $25 donation and find three other people to do the same, we will be able to go to Romania with the confidence that we can meet the needs of the animals we are there to save. We are making contacts with pet food manufacturers, drug companies, and anyone else we can think of to get needed items donated, but it is going to take more.
I am sorry to have to be so direct but I had no choice. I am the one listening to the desperate pleas for help and I am determined that we are going to come through for these animals. I can't believe you don't want the same thing. Humanely, Terri ************************************
Check out there website, too. I glanced over it last night, I am going to go read up on what is happening. Thanks for reading!
if you go to the Noah's wish website....check out the page "What can I do to help" or something like that....
Anyways, there is a list of things needed, I made a list of some of those things and I am going to send them. I have some of that stuff here. I don't use it, why not send it.
At the bottom of that same page are some pics of little ones they have saved.
I also checked out the volunteer page, you have to pay for the training, but it seems like fun, well, hard work, but fun knwoing you will be helping in the future. Wish I had the time to do it.