editing the words "crap", "hell", and "ass". I just sometimes need to say those words and it wouldn't be fair for me to type them and not let someone else do it, soooo............I'm just gonna start leaving them. I just thought I'd make the announcement to everyone, so's they know why I've stopped editing them. I will still edit the other swear words, by putting a * in the middle somewhere. Just so y'all know that "crap" "hell" and "ass" are ok now with me!! lol
LOL, you can't get the "s" word past me!!! Especially when I'm online!! lol. That word will get edited, no matter what. Same with the "b" word (I was going to let that one go, but decided people might start calling each other by that name and I didn't want that), the "f" word, and that's all that I can think of.
I just realized I forgot to add "damn" to my list of uneditables. I will not be editing that word anymore.
Well, the house I was raised in, they were bad words, but I suppose it all depends on the context they are used in. You just go ahead and blip out anything you want in my posts, Mollie. Just no bar of soap in my mouth, please
Heck, in my house growing up I couldn't even say the word "BUTT" lol My dad was a fruit about those kind of words coming out a girls mouth...or "FART" lol
Now he let's MY kids say practically anything! lol Well, he doesn't care for the suck or freakin' words...and these kids use those as regular vocabulary around here. I try to get on them about it too, becomes too much of a habit and in the real world they need to learn to have some manners!
If someone has problems with those words, they need help. That's all it is, a word. Some people are way too up tight over little things like cuss words and need some help
I think you should still edit ass if it is used in a bad way, such as name calling to other members. LOL!!!! And another word that should always be edited is the C word. I am sure some of us know what word that is. I think it is just an awful word.
thats good news Molliemae for me as the word crap and hell is common use for the english ..and i kept having to say 'heck' instead of 'hell' and it just didnt sound like me (brits dont use the word 'heck') even though i was doing it not to sound offensive to anyone.
LMAO, y'all are too damn funny!! You can say the word "****" as long as it pertains to an actual female dog. You can't go calling someone a "****" or anything like that. Then you will have to use a * in place of the i. I really never have had a problem with any of those words, but some people do and I know Protodog (RIP) would've edited them as well, so I was just trying to be as good as she was. But, however, that's just not like me. I did really good for the first couple months I was a mod, but now it's gotten old and I've found myself cursing myself for not being able to use such words, so I always had to use "heck" and "darn" which is just not me. Hell I'm so glad that everyone's taken my damn crap so well over these past few months. Now I just gotta get off my ass and do something else with my life!! LMAO