I've noticed since all of our moving around Tiki goes water crazy. By this I mean if I put down the water bowl for her she will sit and drink and drink and drink, not sharing with Lola until it is completely gone. She then procedes to walk about 5 feet from the bowl and throw it all back up. I fear leaving the bowl down all the time for her (especially because she isn't house trained yet) If we leave it down all day,we pick it up around 7 or so so that she'll get most everything through her system before it's bedtime. Course she's being stubbon on that aspect. Anywho, thought I'd see if anyone else's puppies drink to the point of vomiting.
The lab I had was like that. So I had to set water down, let him take a good drink and then I would pick the bowl up. If not he could probably drink a million gallons. I have also heard once that it could mean some sort of underlying health problem, but I think that is mainly with older dogs.
I fear picking it up too soon because that would mean Lola wouldn't get a drink. So usually I have to hold Tiki back so Lola can drink her hundreds of gallons. Only thing I can think of her reasoning for doing this is because it's not down all the time, so she's afraid she is never going to get any more?
I always leave water available for my crew 24/7 (except when they were young pups I would pick it up in the late evening) so I've never noticed any excessive drinking from them. There are a couple of dogs I know who do drink until the bowl is empty but it is due to medical issues so their owners do not fill the bowl - they only put in enough for a good drink.