this is george. he is now 4 and needs a good home. he is the sweetest pooch u will ever meet, and doesnt even need a leash. he was abandoned at 4 months old and rescue took care of him for 2 years, then someone got him and 2 more years later returned him. i have more details if anyone is interested.
Oh, Tuna!! You know I'd take him in if I could!! I would love to have a St. Bernard, just like the one that my grandma used to have, her name was Sam. She was a sweet dog too. I miss her!! She had puppies and I wanted sooo badly to take one home but my parents wouldn't let me, so most of the puppies died, I think, or they were given away, I don't know which. But DH won't let me have another dog till one of mine is dead. Not that I want to think about that, but that's what he says. Especially one with so much fur and slobber and one so big, lol. I don't mind big dogs at all but I could just about imagine what he would think about having a dobe and a SB running around the house!! lol Hopefully you can find someone to take him in!!
I would take him but he's too far away and i don't think my mother could handle to big dogs by herself right now. Plus that would be wat too much drool. LOL
thats what im hoping for. i try to help st bernard rescue as much as i can, and i wish i could take em all, but i cant. u wouldnt believe how many of these cute, lovable woofies are dropped off or abandoned.
Yea in my whole life i have only seen 2 and that was here in texas. The owner says he can't let them outside that often cause it gets so hot here in texas and they can't take it. He said he lost one saint to the heat about 3 years ago when an early summer came and he was at work and the dogs were outside playing and one just never went inside.
i had two st. bernards years ago. napoleon and samantha. lol . she looked like the one in the pic. he was larger and shorter coated. i dont see them around here at all. i love them . why dont you take him tuna?
well, ive got nora as it is, and i dont have the time to introduce and take care of another one right now, but when the fishing season is over, i probably will. i cant resist those faces!!
isnt the fishing season going to be over soon. if so why don't you talk to them and tell them that if he is still there once fishing season is over you will take him.
i have never seen a saint bernard in my area but i have seen plenty of bermese mountain dogs (sp) which are lovely. The saint bernards lovely and i hope it gets a a great forever home this time