This is PrettyDobie. Tuna_chaser wanted me to see if I could sign in as him cause for some reason he can't even get to the page to sign in. Is this becasue Ansy is working on the site?
Tuna and me can't figure out why he can't sign into the furum. It keeps saying" oops!! this site is currently unavilable. if u are the owner of this site, please contact us at 1-480-505-8855"
glad to see you made it tuna. i always use this link . i had another one , but was having problems with it. this one always seems to work fine though. i have it saved in my favorites.
That page is there because she was working on the site. I don't know if she forgot to change it over or if she just didn't finish, but I noticed its still there. I'd wake her up and ask, but she'd bite my head
When you purchase hosting you are supplied with a starter page that goes up until you get your site built. You can also put it in place when you are working on the site. Thats what that page is. Most people actually develop their starter page, but she never did and thats why it has nothing to do with the furum on it. Its actually a number to call for the upselling of their services.
Its just alot easier to work on a site when there aren't people 'on' it when you are working. That way, if you goof and mistakes are made then no one sees Thanks for posting the direct link on TC Pretty Dobie.
No problem dusty said that she posted it up there yesterday. You should thank dusty. SHes the one who gave me the link. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have gotten the link.