Re: an e-mail I just got... Have you noticed how Great Britain seems to be making a fool out of us lately? Regarding the Russian submarine snarled in underwater cables a couple of weeks ago.......By the time we cleared all the bureaucratic "B.S." and got started, Great Britain had arrived, completed the rescue of the seven men trapped in the submarine, and were cleaning up. England's Prime Minister Blair made a national speech yesterday in which he more or less said he didn't give a what color you were, what religeon you practiced, or how long you'd been in England ..... anyone stirring the S**T was OUT .... DEPORTED .... GONE! We're having a difficult time keeping men, women and children from crossing the borders illegally, we support them when they get here, and put people in jail for reporting them. Within days of the terrorist attacks in England, Scotland Yard had accounted for every man involved. We're still looking for 9/11 terrorists, can't find Bin Laden, and are now trying to get "permission" to search people who might have bombs. While the rest of the world is dealing with major problems, we've got the whole Congress fighting over appointment of one Judge and whether or not the Atlanta Braves can keep their mascot. We've become so politically correct we look like idiots to the rest of the world.
Oh, I did not author the above, just added the news article when trying to verify it before passing it on. Not sure who actually wrote it...
oh nooooo kitty why did you have to get me all nostalgic and patriotic *sniff~sniff*
God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen! Send her victorious, Happy and Glorious, Long to reign over us; God save the Queen!
O Lord our God arise, Scatter her enemies And make them fall; Confound their politics, Frustrate their knavish tricks, On Thee our hopes we fix, Oh, save us all!
Thy choicest gifts in store On her be pleased to pour; Long may she reign; May she defend our laws, And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice, God save the Queen!
Not in this land alone, But be God's mercies known, From shore to shore! Lord make the nations see, That men should brothers be, And form one family, The wide world over
From every latent foe, From the assassins blow, God save the Queen! O'er her thine arm extend, For Britain's sake defend, Our mother, prince, and friend, God save the Queen!
Oh, dear, what have I done Naw, mostly I put this up for you. As I verified the story, you see the Brits saved them with only 6 hours of oxygen left. Good for you guys. I think I'm beginning to like that Tony Blair fellow.
well if you ever feel the need to write to him and congratulate him ~ heres his personal address ....10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA i might drop him a letter~ just got to think of something to write about lol
Tony Blair gets some bad press but i think on a whole he is great ..i cant help but love my Prime Minister
Seems he says what he feels, and I like that. I hate sneaky close mouthed types... Positive thinkers and excellent communicators are what this planet needs. We never really left Eden, you know...we just became bad gardeners, and forgot our duty to each other... Oh, and don't go blaming the snake for your shortcomings...we all are responsible for this planet-and our use of it in our lifetime. It is kind of a rental, you know, none of us own it. We all need to be responsible to keeping it nice. It makes us human beings, not merely carnivorous apes...