He will be here in 3 days!!! He is coming on Thursday at 9:40 in the morning! I am ecstatic!!!
Here is a picture of him taken at almost 7 weeks. The breeder told me that he had given him a bath and just set him down for a few minutes in the pen because the phone rang and when he got back.........him and his brother were in the water bowl! I see a trouble maker in my future! LOL
Ha! lol I know for certain I won't be able to leave him alone outside even for a second, I could see you flying over just to snatch him up! LOL Don't worry I am going to make you all sick of this little guy! I have a new camera and since I am working on becoming a photographer anyway, I will have to utilize him as one of my subjects......many times over! lol
Actually, he is coming from Kansas. And unfortunately, he does have to switch planes. :( But to get here, I think he kind of has to. I think he will be okay. He is only going to be on the planes for 2 hours total.
WOW!!! He is just too freakin cute!!! I just want to kiss him and snuggle him! The last few days to wait is the WORST!!! I feel for you. When we got Ivan we had him all picked out and paid for nearly 3 weeks before we could get him...it was so hard. Then I was just sick the whole ride to the airport to pick him up...it wasn't until i actually had him in my arms that i finally could relax. Ivan also had to change plains and spend a night in the NY airport....I was so nervous, but they took excellent care of him.
Whoo Hoo! Only the day after tomorrow!!! I am a complete wreck. Luckily today Koda has dog training but tomorrow I am doing nothing....:( I think I am going to try to spend the day getting everything ready for him. We are getting him a play pen!