Sorry this is off topic but I gotta vent. I absolutly hate the dentist. About 7 months ago I went in for a cleaning and I ended up having an emergancy wisdom teeth removel instead. UGh, so the other day I was eating a Reeses Peanutbutter Cup and half my tooth broke off!!?? WTH?? Does that happen? I was so pissed, and I think it happened cause I grind and clench my jaw, I dont mean to but it happens at night sometimes when im sleeping.
This happened on Sunday night, and my dentist couldnt see me till today (Friday) so I have been walking around for the last5 days with half a tooth missing and i have to eat on one side of my mouth, which is pretty hard when your not use to that. All I can say is Im extremly lucky I havnt been in any pain, thats why its been so hard not to chew on the bad side. Unfortunatly my days free from pain are coming to an end cause I get to go see the dentist today and lord knows im gonna be in a lot of pain later. Im pretty bummed. I can take any kind of pain except tooth pain, ugh. Sorry guys, i just hate the dentist, but I guess everyone does. I hope they give me some kind of pain medicene, just to get threw today and so i can sleep tonight, im sure I will feel better tomorow. I dont think dentist normally give out pain meds for these things, but I sure hope he can give me at least something, im such a light sleeper that if im in pain i cant sleep.
Wish me luck everyone, i have a feeling I'll have to go back next week too...anyone have any tooth stories to make me feel better??
i have a cute story my mom told me about my aunt. my aunt had a dentist appt so my mom took her. she sat out front in her car reading her book. the whole front of the building is glass and you can see inside both levels really good. they numbed up my aunt and didnt come back in until the stuff had already started to wear off. so they had to numb her again .when she had been there for hours and it was wearing off the second time, she walked out. when she was coming out the front, she could see them all sitting inside drinking coffee ! the nurse jumped up , ran to the window and and was frantically waving her to come back in. my aunt just held up her middle finger as she stormed past the window. i,m sure they were all speechless ! lmao.
They've done that to me, too. I think the lady went to take her lunch break. I don't like what they dope you up with, so I REALLY don't like getting extra doses of it.
I made an appt. with a clinic, the only thing that I can afford. I have to wait 2 months for an appt., and the only openings were REAL early am... I grind, clench at night, also. About 2 months ago, I bruised my own jaw so hard I could not eat w/o pain for a month. I'm gonna have them take x-rays, to see how much damage I did, bruxing at night. My jaw does not close right, either. My tooth alighnment is off.
You can get pain meds from the dentist. They can prescribed anything your doctor can get. I don't like vicodin so I always just get the tylenol with coedine for tooth pain. I feel your pain. I hate the dentist. I don't even like having my teeth cleaned.
Well it wasnt nearly as bad as I was expecting. To be honest I felt nothing, I didnt even feel the novacane shot. And the best part is, after my numbness wore off I wasnt in pain either!
Turned out I had one of the biggest cavitys the dentist had seen, and he was surprised it wasnt painful for me. I never even knew I had a cavity until half my tooth fell off.
Well he fixed it and now I have a temporary and i go back in two weeks for my permanent.
Hopefully that will be the last of the dentist for a while.
all that worrying for nothing. they have come so far in the field of dentistry and medicine. i am petrified of needles, but when i got the shots in my mouth, i didnt even feel them . i had got myself all worked up the night before and then it was like no big deal after they were done. lol