Thanks for asking... Chason is almost 8 months old and he weighs right around 8 pounds. We had a rough start this morning so he's not my favorite little guy right now. He diarrheaed (that's gross) all over my living room this morning. Which wasn't his fault (since he did ring his bells to go outside, but I thought it was just because he wanted to bark at the trashman like he does every Thursday morning)...when I was cleaning it up I noticed whole leaves. He is known for eating plants. I have tried everything. Every bitter spray on the market. I don't know what else to do. I don't want to keep him inside 24 hours a day.
He is just so darn adorable that I can't resist his face. I let him get away with murder, and I know that I'm wrong....but I cannot let him make himself sick. Ayyy. This is still all new to me and I'm figuring it all out still. Even when I was cleaning all his poopy up he was laying down on his belly looking up at me with his sad eyes. All I could say was, "Oh, baby it's okay." Then I saw the leaves and I wanted to ring his little neck. Any advice??
Poor boy. Lilly is 14 months old and i still never let her outside alone. She has nibbled on a leaf once that I am certain of and had explosive diarreah. Thank god I listened to the bell ringing. So probably momitor the little bugger till trustable. He just may get a bit heavier too. Lilly grew at 8 months. Tell me do you have his collar notched on the first , middle, or last hole ?