I had not heard the name, so I checked the user profile, and read the 2 posts made. That's cool, I lurk quite a bit myself, at sites like TP, and others. Nobody says much I want to respond to, so I just read and check out the different people. I look at a lot of forums. I have the attention span of a fly.... I spend lots of time on this when the dogs are outside carousing and taking potty breaks. Right now we are doing the evening version of that...
I'm usually on Tp also. I live in Whittier. I come to these smaller sites when I get tired of the arguing on TP. Talking about animals is suppose to be relaxing me not stress me.
Click on "User [that's you] Details" above. Click on "Edit Profile" [up and on your right]. Under Avatar, enter a thumbnail sized photo [my hp scanner has an editing program to downsize them to the size we are using]. Here my picture is 100 wide by 82 high.
Make sure the box, show signatures is checked "yes". The members here have signatures custom made, for free at the bottom of their posts.
This is a much more developed site than most, more features. We just don't have too many members yet, it is only about 8 months old. Invite your friends