I have been working really hard to find a logo for my studio. I think I finally decided on one. Now, in the conversion to jpg it pushed the border closer then it should be, so try to ignore how close the border is. I have to get the download for my program to be able to convert it without it doing this...........so.......what do you think??
Ok Katz...you know how much I love your photography...so please do not take this personal. When I see the logo with the tiger and all....I don't see elegance and class? Does that make sense?
Sorry Katz. We must have posted around the same time. I didn't see your question. I really like the black and gold. I think that is very classy. Maybe just drop the tiger and center Katz. I'm not very good at this sort of thing but looking around on-line at some photographers web-sites most things are very simple and classy. The calligraphy you picked is very nice and as I said before I like the colors. I don't know about everybody else but I know I would like it if it simply said Katz Photography in the calligraphy and colors you picked.
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
The reason we did the "Cat" was because of the name, my husbands logo also incorporates the "cat" look for "Katz". (I designed this one too) So we wanted to have similar but not the same looks. I will play around with flowers but I would like to keep it in the "cat" field.
I like it just the way it is. It is soft, feminine and powerful. The tiger is a very powerful symbol in Korea, and in the coming age, a great deal of your client base will come from Asia. The cat may get peoples' attention faster than a flower[pretty, but weak as a symbol]. The money making corporations in this country are represented by Jaguar, Bull, Lion etc. Would not hurt your business to be profit minded, and flowers are not near enough aggressive compared to Tigers. Besides, you are not confined to photos of gardens, but may indeed be photographing animals. Pick up this month's National Geographic if you want to see world class photos. Some of them are animals which are rapidly disappearing as we destroy their habitats. I have Tigers in my bathroom. They make me feel confident. My business card is gold on black [called plastisheen]. Kinko's did it for me.
Thanks Kitty. You made a lot of good points there. We are already seeing alot of the asian population over here. Where I live(small town) there are not many but we can see where they will be soon.
I love the font you've used, not so crazy about the tiger. I get the tie-in to Katz, but it just doesn't make me think of beautiful photography when I see it.
If you want to keep the cat theme, what about using one of the amazing photos you have taken of your cat and use that as a backdrop instead of a logo? Change the font color to something dark and lighten the intensity of the photo so it doesn't interfere with the writing, but let people see what you do. Does that make sense? I have this great picture in my head, but I don't know if I'm describing it clearly...
I like the font but not the colors. A photographer needs more color. The lion i'm not feeling either. I understand the wanted of "Katz" I would look for a different cat image. Your husbands looks wonderful. Try useing lighter colors and maybe finding another cat image. Your logo looks more like a reality and your hubbys looks more like a photographer.
BTW You can always come here for the truth! Looks like sometimes we can be a little brutle! LOL