Well, Lilly decided to go into the pantry closet and help herself to a box of rice a roni. Took her a few minutes to devour ALL of the rice, pasta that was in the box. It was one of the small boxes with, it said 3 cups of dry rice etc, inside. Lord, all I could think of was pidgeons at weddings eating a bunch of rice thrown by family members. Bloating up and dieing. I grabbed my peroxide and gave her a little swig, probably not much, she vomited some foam. I waited maybe 5 minutes. Then decided, to take her outside to see if she would do anything. She pooped, and walked around alot. I thought one last ditch effort, one more swig of peroxide. Put her in her crate, with nothing. Time goes by slow when you are in a hurry. Maybe a minute passed, I took her out, and brought her into the tub, shut the door and went to get the vets number. I dialed wrong, out here now you have to dial 1, and the area code. So I brought the phone into the bathroom, and she had upchucked quite a bit. I was much happier seeing it was coming out. I felt horrible, because poor Lilly looked pretty sad. Thank god the peroxide worked. I was very close to going to get Lillys tummy pumped. That was alot of rice she devoured. This is one reason I crate Lilly when I can not take her with me. She is ok now. Resting.
Lilly, Lilly, Lilly!!!!! It's a good thing you realized what she had done & were able to get it to come up! I'm sure she wasn't thrilled with the peroxide treatment but it was necessary.
Dang, that would have been scary. I am a cage loving dog-mom, so they rarely get the opportunity to get into much trouble. I still have problems, but can imagine the havoc that dogs free in the house can put people through. I do plenty of repairs to the yard, also.
Puppys I can agree, cage those babies. LOL Lilly will be 2 this month can ya believe it. She did her business today, and it was laced with rice. Looking much like tapeworm. LOL But acting just fine. Looks like I got enough out of her.
Wow! I would have been scared to death as well. Rice swells A LOT! So glad she is ok.....now we can look forward to more pics of her! (I always love your pics of Lily)