My scalp has been itching for 2 solid weeks. I've never had this before. I've scratched until my head is RAW. I've been checked for lice and no one see's any (and that something you just want everyone to but I don't know what it making me itch! My mom is going through it too. Its BAD.
JT told me to soak my head in mayo which i I stink and my hair is tangled like there is no tomorrow.
Any products you know of that can help this itching woman???
Hey Ansy.. I know how your feeling.. I have had the same prob recently and found out it was the shampoo and conditioner I was using. It was not agreeing with my scalp so I had to go get baby shampoo.. There was something in the other stuff I was using that made me get sores on my scalp and get dry scalp.. Which was the reason my scalp was so itchy.. Could this be your prob also?
Hey, Lady!!! Haven't talked to you in so long!! So, I would like to know what shampoo and conditioner you're using. I think I could give you a few helpful choices of some new stuff to use. Without knowing what's going on, I'd say Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shampoo would be a good one, also Matrix Alternate Action Shampoo, or you could try Nioxin, it's a lot more expensive, but we've recommended that to other people in our salon with the same problem and it's worked wonders. It also helps with thin hair. Those are the only 3 I can think of at the moment. Hope everything else is well with you and your family.
I'd also like you to know that Brad and I are going thru the same thing you and JT are going thru. We're getting a divorce. I just have to go to the lawyer and draw up the papers. Luckily we don't have kids so there'll be no fighting with that and I automatically get all the animals, so that's a plus. We're really not fighting about anything at all, which is good. I'm still living with him, but plan to move out in the next week or so, maybe before Christmas. I'll be living with my parents and they have dial up so that sucks. If you ever need to talk, I'm here.
Gosh divorce sucks. Been there already. It makes me sad to hear of family's dissolving.
Try the tea tree oil shampoo. I rememeber having gotten a bit too much sun or something like that, and had a spot on my head, that of course I kept irritating. The tea tree shampoo calmed it down really fast.
Its probably the cold dry air, plus a shampoo that dissagreed with your scalp. My skin has been really dry lately myself.
As far as what Im using, I just started using the Herbal Essences Hello Hydration (blue bottle). I thought this may be the prob, but my mom got this scalp thing the same time I did and she didn't change brands.
I am pain. I have scratched until my head is raw....even have scabs (this is so JT told me to coat my head in mayo - so I did. It was horrible. My hair got so tangled and I smelled like a mayo head. I had to wash and condition twice to get the smell out.
I'm gonna look into the products you mentioned. I'm willing to try anything at this point. I have NEVER had this happen to me. Worst case scenario, I'll go to a dermatologist. I'm just putting that off because insurance doesn't cover those visits.
I am SOOOOO sorry to hear about you and Brad. I really am. You were the couple I thought would never separate. JT moved out on July 12th. I can't imagine going through this at Christmas. Neither of us have even filed divorce papers yet. We still talk a little, havent been fighting, but I seriously don't see us getting back together. We both have some good things going on in our lives (finally) that wouldn't be happening if we were together. So I figure this is just the plan of a higher being.
He has joined a band and will be leaving to tour Europe in January. His first tour is to Switzerland, Germany, and Belgium. He is so excited and I'm really happy for him.
Me, I'm getting closer (hopefully0 to having my gastric bypass surgery. I'll know in January if my insurance has approved me. They do cover it, but I have to meet certain requirements first. I have met them all except for losing 5% of my total body weight. Losing weight at the holidays just
I still miss JT so bad. I love him to death. I would give anything just to have him here to hug and hold on to, but I know that me having that would only hold him back in his music and I love him enough to let him go on. Its so hard to watch hi mleave and go "home" when this use to be his home. I'm not looking forward to Christmas at all this year. Other than my boys, it will be the first Christmas I've ever spent alone.
As well, if you ever need to talk just drop me a PM or hit me up on MySpace. I spend more time on MySpace then I do here bad). My addy is
I am looking forward to New Years though. This has been a TERRIBLE year for me and I am SO looking forward to it being over. The kids will be gone and I have 2 bottles of wine waiting on me!!
Sounds like a bacteria/blood issue. If you are not reacting to massive dust issues, try adding yogurt into your diet. Find the most sour, radical yogurt you have in your area, and make it into a crab dip, or a cucumber sauce for meat. Any mean bacteria will make you itch. If you got something from being friendly, you will need a metronidazale pill, but so will your friend, or it will come right back. The best patch is just constant yogurt. Cheri.
Oh, otherwise, your shampoo sucks. I use a Trader Joe's stuff, but those things can make you hair fall out, itching is merely a symptom, so be wary, and adjust.