I am timidly beginning to use this camara, it takes great pictures. Meggie and her puppies [one has just regained her eyesight due to drops developed in Russia that dissolve cataracts] Tanya, my queen... Iman who has joined her goddess [sleeping] :
The last picture[ my signature] is of the same dog, now 8 months, as is centered on the first 3 pictures above. His name is Solid Image Moonlight Angel. They were as grubby as they get, when I took those pics. They had been wrestling together in the dirt.
Thanks, maybe I will get busy with the camara, as I have an extra day off this week.
The dog was diagnosed by a canine opthamologist and was 80% blind from cataracts. The main effect was achieved in just 3 days at the proper dose [3x a day], but I saw improvement prior to that when I was just putting them in once a day [if that]. I went back to the ACVO, this week, and he said the cataracts were resorbing and he expected full recovery in both eyes. He was quite at a loss as to why the cataracts formed and even more mystified by them going away. He did say that now he is glad that he did not do surgery on the dog. The info says that they are useful with vitreous floaters and cataracts.
http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/glaucoma Glaucoma sounds to me like something best controlled by diet. Blueberry juice is particularly effective for the eyes. Also, widening your eyes and making them flatten out that way is helpful. I would avoid salt, fats and sugars, and stay well watered, eating lots of veggies if my eyes were doing that.