Murphy goes in next Wednesday to get Neutered. I'm sure he will haet me for about a day afterwards. But I guess you could say its his Valentines Present. LOL!! I was gonna wait a little longer but he is just getting too manly for my taste. A little humpy and he is starting to mark his territory too...Oscar was teh same way but once he was snip-sniped he stopped. So I hope Murphy is the same.
How old do they have to be at your vet to get neutered/spayed? Mine is 5-6 months old but at the humane society, the vet will do it on 8 week old puppies and kittens and they have to be up to weight. It's so much easier on them that way. We require them to all go home fixed so irresponsible people don't get any ideas about trying to breed them. :)
With Danes its best to wait until they are a year to get them neutered or spayed. You don't want to mess with their growth by doing it too soon. But Murphy will be 15 months when he gets the boys removed. Oscar was 18 months when he was neutered and his growth was great.