Actually, no. The above is a person who refuses to take care of what he did. I am glad he responded so quickly because that just makes me completely believe that he IS getting my e-mails, and not answering them. I really did get good responses from him. I have NO problems understanding the temperment of a chow. However, at the first e-mail with a health problem, not another word.
If he really wants to 'FIX' this, then he could actually e-mail, or call me back and talk to me. Otherwise, he is just a coward and a pathetic breeder to me, until he can prove me wrong.
Aww, nothing else going on, you guys have to play 'guess what Katz is going to say"? Glad to keep you entertained.
I could care less what the breeder has to say. He has proven his 'ethics' enough to me. He obviousely does not want to try and make things right or he would be responding back to me. My vet has said his problems are due to bad breeding. I trust my vet more then this breeder. I have a vet statement stating that, and if his eyes and hips are bad due to breeding, I will get statements saying that as well. I have tried contacting him on multiple occasions. He, obviousely, knows who I am, why I am upset and what he did wrong.....yet no response. Yeah, great breeder.
I am not happy, nor will I be happy with this breeder until I hear from him.
Now, to bid you all ado while I continue my shopping..........
Katz, since he didn't know me and you saw the exact message I sent to him, I must say, from what you had stated, I was actually pleasantly surprised to receive a reply from him.
Since you are the one with the dog and the vet assessments, you might make the effort to e-mail him, enclosing statements from your vet and discuss at least a partial refund. He states he is willing to offer either a partial or full refund when there are problems.
At least that way you would have his assistance in paying for some of the necessary vet bills and he would have vet assurance that the problems are genetic.
Since his phone number is plainly listed and he did reply to my message, I think he'd be easy to reach. Even though he states he has received nasty messages from those unknown to him as a result of comments you have made and my comments to him were less than warm and fuzzy, he DID take the time to answer. He was also fully aware that I was not in the market for one of his pups, so he really had no obligation to reply.
KatzPomDogz wrote: Aww, nothing else going on, you guys have to play 'guess what Katz is going to say"? Glad to keep you entertained.
Actually no, maybe someday YOU will understand. But thats unlikly since you are still on the same path. Most here do not know the whole story, only if asked will we tell. Once you admit you have lied over and over again and still are lying no one will ever belive a word out of your mouth or should I say keyboard. Gotta get that right cause i'll get corrected. BTW Your the one that has called him Ching more than anyone else. Funny how you named him Chi-Ching when you only paid 350 for him but you stated you named him that cause you "spend so much on him". 350 is NOT a lot for a dog.
hey katz ........ anyway you can post pics of chi chings dental work since he's had his teeth removed ? please make the pics small ..... dial up sucks for loading and viewing pics
thats ok katz. how is he doing since they were pulled ? i imagine by now he is probably back to normal, especially eating wise ? its too bad your vet had to pull the lower canines. they are pretty difficult teeth to pull, especially when they are healthy teeth. ching must have been pretty sore for awhile. did you ask her about the possibility of having those particular teeth ground VS being pulled ? did your vet mention the possibility of his jaw becoming unstable as he gets older, without those canine teeth ? i usually refer to it as rubber jaw, dont know what the medical term for it is.
He is doing better now, he was on canned food for two weeks and on pain meds and antibiotics. We did discuss grinding them, as per a suggestion of someone else, but the vet said when they got in there they would see what they could do. They were not even positive all the teeth they had to pull. They called me and told me that his jaw had grown crooked because of the way his teeth had grown and it was very loose and they had to get consent from me to continue to pull his bottom canines because they said that there was a good possiblity of breaking his jaw. Luckily, it didn't break and he was okay. He is on gluclosamine and chondriton for his hips, but the vet said that it will help his jaw alot too. She did discuss that there could be problems later on since his jaw was so loose, but we will just continue to go in and have it looked at periodically. Right now, his eyes are our next concern. We are hoping it is nothing that bad. As long as you are within a certain range, he can see you. If you are not, you talk and he will recognize your voice. But, it is something we want to get checked out just to make sure it is not getting worse. If it is not getting worse, and nothing can be done to make his vision better then it currently is, that would be great too. Just so long as it is not getting worse. He is learning that he has to get closer to see who is here. Even if his eyes get worse and nothing can make them better, he is a smart dog and we will train him right.
BTW, Pyrmom, I will try, again, to get a hold of him but I will not take his money, that is not what I want. I just want Chi-Chings parents to stop being bred. I will try again today and see if he will respond.
Hey Katz, I'm sorry to hear about Ching! Wow! I have to admit, when I first heard about all this I got worried that maybe he would be rehomed. Mainly because of the history, ya know? Don't mean to get down on you, but it did cross my mind. But I'm glad to hear that he's going to the vet and that ya'll are trying so hard to help him. I hope you have finally found your keeper, even with the health problems. I know how much you love Chows, and Chingers especially.
Those pictures of his teeth are painful to see, poor guy! Is there any way you could talk to the breeder about at least paying the vet bills from having to have his teeth pulled? I think that's the least he could do.
I haven't posted on this forum for awhile because it has seemed so slow. But I check it out for new threads every so often :) So to everyone else, HI! I hope ya'll are doing well *hugs*
-The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all
Thanks, I e-mailed him again stating that I do know his e-mail must be working since he is obviousely responded to Pyrmom. I do not care if he helps pay or not. I do not want his money, I just want him to quit breeding Chi-Chings parents, and I told him that. We will see if he responds.
Chi-Ching is definitely not going anywhere. He fits perfectly in our family. He is the perfect dog for us, I just wish that he did not have to go through all of this and I am trying very hard, that no one else does either, at least not through the same parents and/or breeder.
Katz, I received a message from Bob, who said he had received your e-mail and that he was going to reply. I certainly HOPE you sent the pics of Cha-Chings mouth and the vet statements about his other health concerns/issues.
The pics make it pretty clear that his bite was totally screwed up, so I'm sure he will have no doubt about the problems there. I have learned over the years that an owner can accidentially screw up a dog's bite, by allowing them to chew on inappropriate things, don't think to Chingger's degree though.
I'm sure that with vet confimration, he would have to accept the other health issues as genetic and might not breed the same pair without some ehalth testing being done on them. I also have to say that you'd be foolish NOT to accept any financial return from him to help pay for medical bills if these issues are genetic.
If a breeder has to go out of pocket to pay for medical problems caused by genetics, it's going to cause them to reconsider the breeding pair as there is no profit in it for them. Sad, but true.
Scout, sorry my daughter ended up throwing up most of the night. It was a hectic day.
Pyr, I did get a response from Bob and he wants my vets number, I am going to try and get ahold of the vet that actually saw Chi-Ching and find out when he should call to talk directly to her. If he offers to help pay for some of the bills, great. But I am not asking him for any money. We will hopefully get something worked out. I am thrilled to have finally gotten a response.
Scout, here are the pictures, they are not very good at all because I was doing it by myself and my camera wouldn't focus that close. Without his teeth, his mouth wants to close more. But, you can still see kind of where his teeth are gone. I can try and get better ones later on.