There is a video on that shows a US Marine throwing a puppy off a cliff in Afghanistan or somewhere. I can't believe they'd let someone even post such disturbing things!!! I'm so pissed off at them for letting that happen!! Can't that stupid SOB get in trouble for that?? I sure hope he gets what's coming to him, I'd like to see someone throw him off a cliff!!
The guy is from here in Washington State. The military is looking into it and if he is found guilty , will be punished. I saw the video and it hurt to watch it. I just dont understand how some people can be so totally heartless to ever harm other people and animals.
I never actually watched it but when I saw that it was there, I got so pissed!! My boyfriend watched it- the day it was posted there were a bunch of links that said they were other things and they all turned out to be links to Rick Astley's music video for "Never Gonna Give You Up" so he thought that's probably what it was but he was pissed to find out that it really was what the title said it was. I can't believe they'd even leave it up on the site!! A couple years ago, some kids from around my area (NW Iowa) sent in a video of them lighting a cat on fire and sent it to the police and it never got posted on the website and the kids got in trouble for it. I just don't see what the difference is here. Why the hell did they think they needed to post that crap???