Ok I have a couple questions about this new puppy. He is 14weeks, balck Lab named Jack.
1. He is a boy, and tries to hump things, not all the time but he tried to hump the cat sometimes when playing with her and sometimes tries to hump Lana. We tried the squirt bottle but it doesnt bother him, so we have been moving him off and saying No! Anything else we can do to discourage this behavior? (We are getting him nueteredin about a months or so)
2. Hes a barker, not all the time but if he wants to play and the others dont he will bark, or if he wants someting he will bark. Agian the squirt bottle doesnt work, any other suggestions?
3.He loves playing with the cat and the cat actually likes playing with him, she will even initiate play. Sometimes though Jack gets a little rough with her, he will pull her tail. She will make noises whenthis happens but doesnt seem to tell him when enough is enough.If he was really hurting the cat, the cat would surely scratch him or defend herself wouldnt she?
He should not be nuetered until he is at least 6 months. If you do not want to lose secondary sex characteristics, wait longer. Humping is play/dominance activity, he is a puppy, a very young puppy, not a person, he does not mean anything by that. He is practising. All dogs practise behaviors at that age, inc. barking. Labs bark, dig, and chew, they usually do not outgrow those tendencies, so modifing them with alternatives is the most you can do. Alternative chews, such as a rag tug instead of the catmay be a good start. I do not squirt Labs, they like it for one thing, it is wet and messy for the house, I would imagine that instead of a puppy humping the cat, you then have a wet pup humping the cat. My cat was young and unnuetered with my 2nd stud dog, who was quite the humper at the age your pup is, he became a very sly humper as an adult, like his father. He did not like being watched as an adult, so the baby may outgrow the behavior, once his initial instinct for practising the unknown leaves him. Dakota never tried to hump anything as an adult, they[Labs] get pretty digified as adults, unlike ZOE...The cat never got over it...Everytime the stupid thing came in season, she would try and seduce the dog, her big huge boyfriend, who happily poked his nose up her and the 2 of them would do their weird love dance all around the house. Stupid cat still looks for a dog when she wants sex. I would say make sure the cat is spayed, that way she does not constantly beg the dog for attention. Cats have rough sex. They can take quite a bit of grabbing and grappling from pups, and yes they will defend themselves so, if anything, the pup is in danger of losing an eye, should the cat tire of his attentions. As long as it is peaceable play, let it go. I sure wish my dog was humping instead of digging or barking, you will doubtlessly look back on these as the good old days...