I love playing word games, ones similar to Boggle or Scrabble. My son will play with me from his room. We have 4 running computers in the house, sometimes we all jump on and play. lol Kind of weird, but its fun.
I used to play spades online all the time. Now I like the word games and solitaire games that Yahoo has. Sad how much time you can waste on the computer!!
Haven't ever played a gamecube. Xbox on occassion....got addicted to Tiger Woods Golf for a minute.
Texas Hold'em is a big game in our house. We even went out and got a a table. We play as a family and the kids have all night poker tournaments all time. They all get together and chip in like 5.00 then play all night! It is the latest rage around here. They always con me into making my secret recipe for nacho meat! lol Glad I am loved for something around here!
Yep, the word games can cause to not get a lot of work done!