Miss Kitty hasn't eaten since at least Friday, and has been real lazy (yes, more than a normal cat, ha)
She went to the vet today at 3pm and they did a fecal, and she didn't give them much but it was negative. She had a geriatric panel done, which she will call with the results tomorrow, she had a feline leukemia test-negative, had glucose tested- it's a little low, which is obvious, her liver and kidnet enzymes are good. I hope she's just pulling something on me, but for 172 dollars, I won't be happy! haha jk
I do hope it isn't serious....but at least you'll know if there is anything wrong. I waited too long which was only 2 days with my daughters cat. And it was too late to save him. I don't know what was wrong. I didn't mean to scare you...but when they stop eating and pooping...and the spine is starting to protrude, it is something.