As some of you may know, there are many people in the US selling "counterfeit" Frontline Plus that is manufactured & dustributed in the UK. While the product is the same the dosages are different and you could inadvertently over (or under) medicate your dog. Here's a link to Frontline's page addressing this and also contains a picture of what the US product should look like. I buy my Frontline Plus from an Ebay seller whom has been nothing but honest & fair with me. Once he has inadvertently sent me the "counterfeit" product and when I brought it to his attention, he immediately sent the correct product along with a postage prepaid mailer for return of the other. I get a 12 mo. supply from him for about the cost of a 6 mo. supply from my vet's office or other website such as JB WHolesale, Drs Foster & Smith, etc. If anyone wants his seller name I'd be happy to share it,
I'd like the eBay seller's name, if you wouldn't mind PMing it to me??? I was tempted to buy it from petshed, but that comes from Australia, so I'm thinking it's best to stay in the States.