I would take him in a minute. My husband would kill me though. Surely, they will find someone in that area, right? How long have they had him? Is it a no-kill shelter? Who pays for shipping when they ship? How much is the adoption fee?
I don't know why I am asking this!! I can't have him, but he is so cute!!
He is in a safe envirment. The pet supply place I go to also does rescue. They had him adopted out, but the lady that adopted him learned that she was more than likely going blind. So opted for him to be rehomed, so he could have a more lively life. Its sad, she really loved him, so much she gave him up.
Oh, I'm not certain about the cost of shipping but usually the adoptee takes that cost.
Oops.. I got you in trouble over there at "that other forum". Sorry. I had no idea they would not let you post something about adoption! What a bunch of junk that is!
Puttin- are you a member of nextdaypets? i asked if i could post this there and they said i could. do you want me to post it there? that will reach a few more people.
Hey Puttin, do you know how he is with kids??? My cousins wife really wants a dog but they got two kids, 3 and 1ish. They also have a cat, but i saw that it said he was good with cats. I could let them know about him, he is so cute!
He is very cute. And I think the bows give him personality. LOL!!! Reminds me of when I painted Oscar toenails red and put a bow on his collar. I thought Brad was going to kill me.
I'll call them later today about how he is with little kids. And they have no problem adopting out to familys with kids too. I was sitting with a family that adopted a puppy, they had three small kids. I'll find out.
I wanted to add, when he was walking around the store. He was very calm, not jumpy.