Has anyone here ever heard of the Ultimate Bodyshaping Challenge? I just wanted to say how much fun it is. I just started doing it 3 wks. ago. It's a mixture of Tae Kickboxing with strengthening exercises. It is so much freakin' fun! The class is 3 days a week and with your joining they give you boxing gloves, a specialized diet, and a work-out journal. I'm not really following the diet, I am but not to so extreme. I don't really need to lose weight, just tone up BAD! After just 3 wks. I can already see such a huge difference in my body. It's like a miracle. It costs 300.00 for the 10 wk. course (it works out to 10 dollars a class) but you also win cash prizes along the way and if you're the one who made the biggest changes in yourself at the end of the course you win a cruise. If there is one of these in your area I strongly recommend people doing it. After this 10 wks. is up instead of signing up for the next level I am just going to take kickboxing classes. The facility where this class is held in my area is a martial arts academy. I can do the strength training on my own. We don't use weights, we use resistance bands which are so much harder than weights and I have been doing weights for a really long time with no results. I have amazing results just after 3 wks. I know I sound like an infomercial but I don't mean to. This class is just so much fun that I thought I would let everyone know about it. If you want to check it out and see if there is one in your area you can go to http://www.ultimatebodyshaping.com/ubc.php?s1=s1home&page=home2
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
I need to do something like that. I have been jump-roping every day, walking all the way up the high school stadium bleachers a couple times every other day (just 2 times makes the calves SO SORE, and walking dogs every day. I have also started eating only stuff that's good for me, which is so very hard. I have never had to use any inhibition about what I eat until recently.
I bought a tiny bikini that is just so ME. It's camoflage with a butterfly on one breast and one buttcheek. The sides are string and right now I wouldn't wear it even in front of the dog. It is my goal to be able to be cute in it before too long, my motivation!!
Shiny, the diet on this is pretty easy. I'm supposed to eat 6 proteins, 6 carbs, and 2 vegetables. Another option is to substitute some of the carbs for more vegetables. All lean meats,no dark meat chicken, no pork, no butter, no cheese. The goal is to have 14 points a day. If you eat something you're not supposed to you subtract 3 points. Anywhere between 11 and 14 is good. You also have to eat 5 meals a day. They want you to have that much protein and carbs because of all of the exercising you do. Even though you only go 3 days a week you're supposed to do the exercises 6 days a week. The before and after pictures on the website is so true. There are a few people in class with me who have been doing it for a while and on the first day they showed us the before and after for each 10 week section. Its so amazing. I had to take my daughter to the doctor yesterday so I didn't get to go to class. I did Tae Bo at home in place of it. I used to sweat and feel like I had gotten a good workout from my Tae Bo tapes. Not yesterday. I wasn't even out of breath after the 1 hour advanced video. It was crazy. I ended up calling the martial arts instructor yesterday who teaches her class to ask him if he would let me come to his kickboxing class last night. Thank goodness he let me or it would have felt like such a wasted day. Every week we do a 2 mile test. The first week I ran 2 miles in 13 minutes. Today I did it in 10. 3 minutes off in just 3 weeks I think is amazing. I should run a marathon! HA HA!
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
Shiny... I don't think I will ever wear a bikini again. Not after what being pregant did to my body. No amount of exercise will take away those nasty marks. LOL!!!! Unless I get a tummy tuck. I swear having a baby was the worst thing ever to my body.
i have to say...if i lift my leg high enough to kick box...ill topple right on over..and the damage caused would be ill repupable..i would never ever again walk upright...lol..(i dont know why im laughing...its the truth...) i can fall with great fainace...i hate to say it..to admit..but im well over do to fall and hurt something real bad...(knock wood...i dont) knees are rebuilt and even have replacment parts and screws.,..so...im leary...you go you in shape still strong younger set..remember the saying..if i knew i would live this long i would have taken better care of myself..well..it is the truth with me too...lol...so..take care of you...diet and excercise is the way to do it...
Shiny... I don't think I will ever wear a bikini again. Not after what being pregant did to my body. No amount of exercise will take away those nasty marks. LOL!!!! Unless I get a tummy tuck. I swear having a baby was the worst thing ever to my body.
I do have extremely nasty stretch marks. I actually don't know if I've ever seen any worse; seen some just as bad once, though. I went from about 85 pounds to 153 with my first child. And my stomach has the wrinkly thing going on when I sit. But I would be comfortable enough with that at friend's pools and such-- they know I had a couple of big babies. The squishy fat I am not comfortable with!
Shiny I know how you feel with the weight gain. With my first one I went from 110-205. With my second one I didn't do as bad. I went from 120-186. Now I'm holding steady at around 120ish. I hope I stay there. My problem with my stomach is the stretch marks and the extra skin. I lost my weight so fast after the kids. I really need a tummy tuck. My husband says I can't have one until we have our last baby. For my 30th birthday I am getting boobs (4 more years, it's the only reason I want to be 30) he says he may let me do the tummy tuck than but only if I stay small. He says there is no way he will let me have lipo. He doesn't care if I get fat but he says if I don't want to be fat anymore it's not getting taken care of the easy way!
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call