WEll guys i had a horrible night last night. A woman that lives in the same building as me lost her husband yesterday in a raodside bombing......They were married for almost 3 years and have a beautiful little daughter who will be 2 next month. Her husband was suppose to be home in 38 days......i have no idea what to do for her or what to do with myself. I had a panic attck last night after i got home form her house. All i can think about is how that little girl will never know her daddy and how i just wish my husband could come home right now. Everyone please say a small prayer for my friend and her family. She needs all she can get.
Thank you for letting me get this off my chest. Erica
Sad. Offer to babysit the child, if you are available. Give her non-perishable foods, if any. Problem with recieving things at times like this is you get too many and they spoil [you don't feel like eating].
Thanks everybody. I have been over there off and on today. I went out and bought her a few grocieries she needed and I have been watching her little one. I told her that if she needs ANYTHING, she can call me. God it is so hard. She has been talking to me about everything and it is so sad you guys. Just all the plans they had....... it all hits home. Ok i better not talk anymore i might cry again and have another anxiety attack. Thank you for the support and your thoughts for her. Please pray for our troops.
That is soooo sad, Erica!! I just heard on the news tonite, also, that a South Sioux City guy died over in Iraq just today, I think. He's the 4th guy from NW Iowa to die over there. He was in the National Guard too, which of course, makes me worry to death about Brad going in, and he's not even in yet!! I know I couldn't do what you're doing, living away from your family and all and being all alone and such. I know I'd need my family and friends for support when Brad goes in. I commend you for what you are doing and being supportive of your hubby with what he's doing. I'm having somewhat a hard time doing that, but I know it's what he wants and I want him to be happy, as I'm happy with my job, so should he be. I thoroughly support our troops and hope for a safe return for your hubby.
I know I may come off as way too sensitive, since I don't even know that person, but your post made me cry. While my parents were never in the military, a lot of members of my extended family are in the military. And hearing those kinds of stories gets me everytime. The things these men and women do for our country is just amazing. Bless your husband for serving our country. I make it a note to shake hands and thank any soldier I see in public. I hope your husband has a safe return, and I'm sorry to hear about your friend's husband. It's so hard to know what to do in a situation like that. Maybe just be there to listen and offer your help with chores and whatnot, and see what she says.
-The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all