Change in plans. We aren't getting him on Saturday...the guy needed to reschedule so we are getting him at 2PM on Sunday (perfect for Fathers Day!)
So far we know that he was born in February and weights about 45 lbs. There are 2 lines of Fainting goats....the 'fainters' (just called Fainting Goats or Myotonic) and the Tennessee Meat goat fainters (just referred to as Tennessee Meat Goats). The TN Meat goat was a line derived back in the 1930's by taking only the largest Fainting Goats goats and breeding them to other large Fainting Goats goats to produce a more 'meaty' goat for human consumption. The TN Meat Goat is the line that we are't know that until today....but we are told that he is an extreme!!
He will grow to be about 150 lbs and is brown, similar sounding in color as Hector is. We do plan to purchase more in the future and will get some black and white ones.....for now though....we just want to see the darn thing