Yes my misspelling gets Mia and I humiliated again! SORRY Manson! I knew it was Manson too! Im not the best speller anymore! But regardless! I would like to know if you try it with your really cute boys! Where did you get the name for Bosco then????????
Okay, I tried the coconuts and neither dog wants to chew on them! Manson ignores the coconut completely. Bosco will run after it but will not retrieve it, and he's king of retrieving balls and sticks. Maybe if I go ahead and crack one....
Want to see if you cracked one open for them! If you did tell me how it went! If you didnt-then I wanted to say that my fiances black Pug {Poppy} Ate a whole cracked one last night-and she was throwing up today! And eating it again! My fawn Pug {Holly} ate approximetly the same amount-and she was fine! Mia ate some-and she was fine too! My fiance thinks maybe Poppy had ate something else that made her sick-he isnt sure! But wanted to warn you that Poppy Puked after words! {Again-hes not sure if it was from that!} Let me know anyways!
Thank you for the warning. I did crack one for Manson and at some point in the night he totally cleaned all the coconut from the shell. No puking so far.
I didn't crack Bosco's yet so I will see what he does with it later today.