Well Fez is getting over his URI, thank goodness. But I have noticed Isabelle sneezing, not alot, just once in a while for the last couple days. I sure hope she isnt sick, if she gets sick then im sure the other two will get sick aswell. All I need is a household of sick cats.
If Isabelle does get sick should I seclude her in her own room? Im scared of Fez getting sick agian once he is better cause he is so frail and weak. But if Isabelle is sick and she has been sneezing can that affect Fez's recovery?
I'm not so worried about Isabelle, she is strong and healthy and I am home all the time, so if she does start sneezing more i can take care of her, but poor Fez is so tiny and needs to eat. I'm just worried about him getting sick agian or not getting better.