I took both of my dogs in to be groomed today. They needed it desperately! I know there is a price to pay to have dogs that do not shed, but it is breaking us! $70.00 for both dogs. I think Mason's mom paid more than that for 1 dog, but she is in CA....everything is higher there...lol.
Maybe I need to invest and try to start grooming myself, but it is so messy and so much trouble!
I took my 3 to get bathes yesterday. I do try to do it myself since it is only bathes and no clipping involved but with 3 dogs it really hurts my back, plus the groomers do such a good job and they do all the extra stuff i couldnt do.They all smell so good i keep walking up to them and sniffing them...lol.I pay around $80 for all 3 of them together.
Jaw, do your dogs get clipped or anything, or just bathes?
I just throw my three in the tub. We've got a claw-foot, so it's nice and deep too. I bathed Mollie and Chopper together, before we got Lexie, and then Lexie rolled in poo, so I bathed her by herself. I used to bathe them all together (Mollie, Chopper, and Eli), but that was in the shower-we didn't have a bathtub at the old house. Now our shower will barely fit just me or just Brad, so I bathe them in the tub. They liked showers better, but there's just no room for it anymore, plus it's easier for me to do it in the tub. This is why I love shorthair dogs, even though they shed a TON!!
I have bathed them 3 times myself since the last groom. However, Hershey gets really bushy looking (the poodle in him) after about 2 months...Jazzy (min schnauzer) could go longer without a groom, but I just take them at the same time. They really need grooming about every 6 weeks...but I stretch it as far as I can.
Puttin- i have always loved your dogs! i can't ever get mine to look like that. i wonder if it is because Hershey is not full blood poodle or if they don't groom them the same way here. It seems like to me you said it is all in the blow drying of the hair. I bet you have to ask for it and I would think it would be more expensive...what do you think?
Hello Jawlaw..I have clipped my schnauzers and they look like it..lol...i have the two and was fed up with the hair and didnt feel like waiting to get an appointment,..dont know why i could not think ahead...but..i got the clippers out and one slip led to another and now they are a wreck...they have a all over cut like a poodle do...even the legs and beard...i goofed here..had to make it up there..lol..before you know it they were naked..so..ill leave it top proffessionals from now on..and make appointments in advance..they dont care about the cut..and my shamus looks crazy with his silver eyebrows still long..but..it will grow and it will be ok again...and the pile of hair when done was humungious...so...be prepared if you do do it..it doesnt alwsys turn out like when you take them in..and your stuck with the mess...i bet they are home now and cute and smell really good..mine have mud on their noses..they are rutting in the yard these days..
lol, huron. you are right...they are home and smelling good. I am always glad after I have them groomed, but it just is an extra expense! But I knew that before I got them! The good thing is your dogs hair will grow!! lol
LOL, Jas she is actually cream with tiny tinges of apricot on her ears. Sometimes she does look white though, likewhen the sun is shining on her. Thanks.
Glad you had a better experience than I did. Yes, California is expensive...and where we live it is ridiculous! I called a mobile groomer, she has a motorhome puppy spa...yes a motorhome...and she charges $85 for 1 hour of service...and get this she is not taking on new clients because she is toooo busy. Whatever!
lol..mason...if she is charging 85 per hour and not taking on new clients...goes to show you what a good niche she has found...in my area they are too cheap..it would not fly...but in calf the cost of living is differeent and things cost more..so she is getting all the impulse people like me..lol..only they probably dont have oster clippers in the house and a long enough cord to get the the dogs..lol...i bet the out come is better too...lol..i should invest in that business..seem to be booming...