We went to the parade a couple towns over, this afternoon and stayed from 1pm-4:30pm. MAN AM I SUNBURNED!!!! It hurts sooo bad!! Then we went to the fireworks display at 10pm over at the Lakes and now we just got home a bit ago. We didn't take the doggies though, thought it would be too much to handle, lol. We met the cutest lil yorkies while we were at the parade!! There were four of them and two were pups and we asked if they breed them and they said yes and we got their # and they said they only charge $350 for them, but I doubt we'll ever get one before any of our kids goes over the "bridge". It was a great day though!!
Well, these are pretty much the only fireworks I saw tonight. They were all going off as I went to the market and did laundry. I'm home and ready to post, then cook dinner.