They are so glad that I am not squirting them with the cold hose water, that they think the flea spray part is just an after bath massage. They are put immediately in the kennel until they are dry.
I usually do it at night. last thing before bed. My dog doesn't care, but I do it late so the kids don't pet him. My cat, on the other hand, acts as if I just put acid down her back. I give her a wide berth afterwards.
Mine all try to wipe it off, sometimes Chopper and Lexie will lick each others' and Mollie's off. It's so gross and I have to yell at them for it. Spend 12 frickin dollars on it and they try and lick it off!! Go figure!!
When I did use something on Oscar I would always wait until bedtime. I hate the thought of Kaitlyn getting it on her hands and then putting her hands in her mouth. But luckily I don't have to shell out the 34 bucks a month on it.
Well I usually apply before bed too. But figured the dogs would be calm while I was at work, I bring Lilly with me. They try to rol and rub too. They must feel it seeping down their backs or something. Very odd.