tuna_chaser wrote: i think that if there are such things, and the bible mentions manifestations, that they are not of god, therefore evil. im not sold on ghosts haunting a house or anything
Totally with you on that one, tuna!! My mom always told me that same thing. "ghosts" are really demons from Hell. They are not really "spirits of dead people" as so many believe. Same as angels in Heaven are not really dead people in Heaven either, they are in fact, just angels, they were always there.
I also agree with you, Twink. I would never mess with a Ouija board!! Not even the stupid Milton Bradley version. I was at a birthday party once when I was like 12 and they got out the Ouija board and started playing with it. The only two people that weren't playing with it were myself and the baptist minister's daughter!! It scared the heck outta me, watching the other 4 play with it though. Definitely NOT for me!!
I do have a friend that claims she's a witch though. I don't know why I'm not afraid to hang out with her, even though I know I shouldn't. She's been the best friend I think I've ever had. She just doesn't try to cram her beliefs down my throat and I respect her by doing the same. She's even marrying a Christian.
There's a witche's grave around here somewhere that they say if you jump over it backwards 3 times, you'll die within 3 days. I've heard that this has actually happened, but I don't know, I've never seen the actual grave, but my friend Angi (the witch) goes and visits it regularly, I think. Too freakin spooky for me!!
please dont mess with anything occult. years ago when we lived in the haunted house. i had just laid down in the bed ,when i felt a hard weight on my chest. at first i thought i was having a heart attack.when my eyes adjusted to the light, there was a dark, faceless figure, streamlined (like spiderman) crouched over me with one hand on my chest and the other over my husband ,on the sideboard. he had no face yet i could feel his eyes and his breath on my face. i couldnt even scream. i finally was able to get out the words help me lord. it was gone in an instant. the next morning i got a call from my mom asking if i was alright. she said my dad had woke up about 2 in the morning and was prayiing for me.he is a minister. he told her he heard someone crying for help and it was my voice he heard. the timing was exact.
my daughter kayla is 16. she is staying at the university of idaho. she said her roommate woke up in the middle of the night in hystarics. they sent her home. the next night .kayla was alone in her room and looked by the door and saw a figure crouched there. she said it took off up the wall very fast, climbed accross the ceiling and when it got over her it dropped onto her and was suffocating her. she descibed it. it was the same figure i had on me that night. they put her in another room with other girls and paddlocked the room shut, as the janitor said he was hearing noises from that room for a long time before anyone was even staying in there.my dad explained that they were demons and someone either committed suicide in that room or they were practicing occult. the colledge is near to where the arayan nation headquarters use to be located.(skinheads). the people that lived in our house prior to us were also skinheads. we found all sorts of stuff in the attic and basement that were cult related. sorry this is long, but i dont even look at anything even remotely demonic or watch those types of movies. angels are around us always. demons can only come around if we allow them.
that is just too scary to mention dusty .. i would have left asap *shudder*
i must admit also i stay away from films regarding the devil etc like the Exorcist for a couple of reasons .. a~ im a wimp and b~ i think it may attract some kind evil my way.. i've watched the ring but thats about it as far as scary demonic movies i go.
I had a Ouija(sp) board once but I never took it out of the box. And I rememeber the year I got it anything that could go bad did. My mom took it out of my closet and burned it and I swear to you that the only thing left on it was the word bye. Scary....
And in a house that my granny lived in down the road from here was haunted. We would always see a man walking around the bedrooms. I love topics of ghost. They really do interest me.
We have an old insane asylum(sp) not far from my house too. It was resenly made into apartments but no one has rented on out yet and they have been on the market for 2 years now. That place is supposed to be haunted by all the insane people that died there. They say that you can still hear their screams.
And there have been rumors of a ton of devil worshippers(sp) in these parts. We once found a cow that had just its heart ripped out adn a bunch of weird stuff hanging from the trees. I never went that far out agian on my nature hikes. Sorry this is long..
You know Dusty, I could be totally off, but do you have sleep problems by any chance? I have a sleeping disorder where I have these things called 'Night Terrors'. You can google it to see how it works and such. Basically, your brain has a hard time being able to tell between when you're awake and asleep, so you can actually be having a dream as you're waking up and you think you see things as a result. I have had them since I was a kid. The common ones are spiders, bugs, snakes, and then shadowy figures as you described. And all of them are usually crawling around on the walls or whatnot. It really sounds like Night Terrors by the way you describe it. I have *seen* weird figures and giant spiders scale my walls and ceilings and I swore they were real. Sometimes I don't remember anything, but usually I do because I am standing in the living room, out of breath with all the lights on. I remember the haunting figures, but not jumping up or turning on any of the lights.
-The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all
hunter, i wish i could say thats all it was. but there have been many other incidents that have happened in the daytime also. i had run into a friend from elementary school and invited her over. she came a few days later and we were talking .she told me that she was into wicca, she said it was "good" witchcraft. then she got a weird look on her face and said she had to go. when we went out onto the porch she told me to get out of my house. she felt a very evil presence, more than anything that she had ever felt or dabbled with. and she literally ran for her car. i am a very light sleeper and dont even dream at all or just dont remember them.and i know that night i wasnt asleep yet, i had just barely laid down. kayla was only six at the time and yet she described the figure that she encountered and it was exactly what i had seen. i sold the house at half its value just to get out. a couple of years later it was on the news as the top haunted house out of ten in tacoma. so it wasnt just in our minds. i believe because i have seen for myself.
the weirdest 'dream' that i have had is where i have been sleeping but i was awake in my dream and looking down on myself sleeping .. that has stayed with me forever i woke up with such a sweat on and felt really emotional ..
I had a similar experience when I was at "a" school in the navy. I was sleeping on a top bunk, so I was maybe 5 feet or so from the ceiling, but I "woke" up feeling like I was rising up, but I was turned over, I had been sleeping on my back, but yet I was wide awake, with my back pressed hard against the ceiling, looking down at me and around the room. It was freaky. I was scared to death. I woke up for real and was in panic attack. I have never forgot it or the feeling. Still gives me chills.