I would like to start off and say Phoenix has had temps 115 degrees and hotter as of late. But, I just heard that employees of a boarding kennel came to work yesterday and found that the cooling system had failed and all but two dogs were dead from the heat. 28 dogs in all had died. So, that only tells me that boarding kennels don't give their attention to the dogs in their care 24/7 like they claim they do. Most of the dogs owners are away out of the country or state right now. Can you imagine what these people are going to do when they come to get their babies and find that they had died an excruciating death? I think I would have to murder someone!
My Husband always nags me to kennel the dogs so we can go away for a few days. I just don't feel right doing it. When I do, they always seem so traumatized.
Anyway, these people are going to be p.o. to say the least.
that totaly sucks!!! i think i would hurt someone too. i lost the only male saint ive ever had as result from a kennel not watching out for the pooches overnight. and the part that really stinks is that they only have to pay the value of the animal. i think those ppl oughta pay through the nose for that one. that kind of stuff really makes me mad.............no smiley for this post!!
How terrible! When I left mine, I left one at home and had my parents come by 3 times a day to feed/water/potty him, and the other stayed with a friend. I wanted them to be with somebody who knows them personally and wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them. After this story, I will definitely do it the same way again.
That is HORRIBLE!!! I'm glad I have my parents or in-laws watch over our kids while we're gone!! I've heard that happening to the only groomer in this town, she also does boarding. She left a small dog, don't know what breed, out in the snow and forgot about it!! Poor little thing froze to death because of her stupid @$$!! I'd be soooo dang ticked off!! But luckily there's a very good kennel here in town that is run by a retired couple. I've heard nothing but the nicest things about them so I think I'd check it out and see if maybe they'd look after my pooches while we're on our honeymoon sometime, whenever we get around to taking one, lol. I just hate to infringe on my family for more than a weekend- they've all got lives too.
Horrifying story. I guess it says something for common indoor outdoor runs. I have never let anyone else care for my animals, except 4 times when they were away being bred. I left specific instructions that they were to be within airlocked gates. Only taken from crates and kennels when with 1 or 2 handlers, only for the purpose of breeding, and that dogs were valued at $10,000. each should there be a problem leading to me requiring monetary value for the dog. They were WELL cared for.
Thats is such a sad story ..i am going to cape town next year and am worried about what i ma going to do with Harvey as he is not like any other 'normal' dog ..i think im going to get someone close to housesit for me and take care of him at home .. i think he would be a wreck after leaving him in a kennel for 2 weeks .. I feel very sorry for those people coming back from holiday and finding out what happened to their pets .. no to mention what the pets themselves must have suffered
that is so sad . sad for the dogs and what the owners have to come home to. we are homebodies so we are with our dogs and cat 24-7.but i feel so bad for the pets and the people that lost them. our frenchies probably would have been the first to go. the bullbreeds dont survive the heat well.i would be totally devastated. i cant even imagine it.
How awful. I couldn't imagine that happening to Oscar. When we go out of town he stays here and my inlaws come over during the day to play and let him out. I just don't trust anyone really with my dog.
When we go out of town we usually bring our babies, hubby hates to fly so we always drive. If and When we don't take them either my mother or my brother will come stay with them. The last time I put my dogs in a kennel was when my grandmother died in 99 and we have to leave short notice. Of course my brother and mother went with me and I had no one on that short of notice to come watch them. I was gone for 9 days. When I came and picked my dogs up they were covered in poo and stuck! I had just givin them all baths before dropping them off (none of them like baths and will snap and growl if it's someone other than me or hubby giving them a bath). They know to muzzle my dogs when bathing, I was so TICKED! I pitched a total fit in the office. Winter was brown and yellow! Needless to say I didn't pay the bill, I told them that there was NO WAY I was walking away paying them and if they thought they needed to they could call the police. They said no tore up the bill and I gave my dogs a free bath.
I agree, I would be out right furious if I came home from being out of town and found my dogs dead because of people at the boarding facility. Luckily everytime we go "out of town" our dogs HAVE to come with us, because our out of towns are moves here lately. Not too sure what is going to happen in the next few years. Dont have any friends here yet to take care of them and the family i have around here aren't really dog people. Guess we'll just have to wait and see :)