I know I say this all of the time but I have really had it this time. Zoe is on her last 5 minutes in this house. She refuses to go to poo anywhere except on our walk, in the house, in her crate, or in her cage. Yes, she will poo in the cage even if another dog is in there with her. Yes, she will poo in her crate and lay in it. She doesn't care. She's the nastiest dog I've ever seen. I am so over her. I walked her this morning. She poo'd. We came back in and went back to bed until the kids got up. We come downstairs for breakfast and I put the dogs outside. They were out there for over and hour until the kids finished breakfast. I bring them in and I could just tell Zoe had to poo. I leash her and take her to the frontyard. We walked around for over and hour out front and she wouldn't go. I brought her back in and put her in her crate and what did she do? You guessed it, she poo'd in her crate and I had to give her a bath because she rolled in it. I would have walked her but the dogs get a mile walk twice a day and where does Zoe go? Not until the point where it's time to turn around of course. I can't take off and leave the kids and dogs in the house along for that long just so Zoe can have her way. Oh my God, I'm so mad at her. She poo'd in the house once yesterday. On Sunday she poo'd in the house 3 times, once because she was mad at her daddy because he got onto her for poo'ing in the house the second time she did it. Does anyone have any ideas that I haven't tried? I've leashed her to me. She doesn't care, she'll poo where and when she wants to regardless. I have done everything. I swear I have. Does anyone have any creative ideas? She's really on her last 5 minutes. This house is so big, I'm terrified she's going to poo in here one day and I'm not going to know it and the baby is going play with it. We've really got to downsize this house. This is getting ridiculous. I'm moving my family and the 6 dogs into an itty bitty apartment so I can have my eye on her 24/7. It does no good to crate her when I can't watch her because she poo's in there too so I have to keep my eyes on her constantly in there also. I have housebroken 5 dogs with no problem so I know how. I know I'm doing everything right. Sometimes I wonder if I should go back 20 years and train her with a rolled up newspaper and rub her nose in it. I'm not going to but it has crossed my mind. I mean, come on, she's a year and 4 months old. I've been fighting this battle with her since she was 6 weeks old. Even my patience can only stretch so far. She's really to the point where she has about 5 minutes left. The only way to solve this problem is to find her another home or make her an outside dog. I don't want to do either. I have to get creative and come up with something. I was at the end of my chain about 6 months ago.
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
woah i would be mad aswell .. well if Harvey was like that Michael and me would go ballistic... I used to works with kids and some off the children were like 7 years old and fully able to control there bowels but nope they would just do the 'buiseness' in their pants .. alot of the time it was because they were either attention seeking, or had some serious issues at home (mum and dad fighting etc), or they just got too involved with their playtime and just didnt notice they had pooped in their pants ..rare occasions it was because they were ill.
this is just an idea but is your dog incontinent or has an undetected illness, (my mum had a dog who was young and had trouble controlling its bowels) or maybe your dog has something mentally wrong .. just seems weird that you have tried everything and its not working
, or rebelling against you, or do you shout and say no (or however you act) and the dog is seeing that as a reward to her continus pooping in the home..dont take offence im not saying you ill treat your dog im just throwing a couple of things that popped into my head out there
No offense taken. I'm glad you're trying to help me out. I did the normal puppy thing where I ignored her if I didn't catch her. That didn't work. There was a point for about 3 and a half or 3 months where I went ballistic on her if she did it but that was a long time ago. Now I just ignore it. None of the other 2 other things worked so now I'm ignoring her. She's very spiteful so I always try to think of what I did that could have ticked her off. Last night Tucker had his 1 yr. vet appt. She was mad because she didn't get to go so after Tucker and I were through at the vet, so she wouldn't be mad, I came home and got her, took her to Blockbuster, and than I took her to Chick-Fil-A for some chicken nuggets. She has no reason to be angry at me right now. I really don't know what her deal is. We have done tests upon tests and I've spent thousands of dollars trying to find something wrong but to no avail, there is nothing there. She actually prefers these places. When I was walking her out front it was literally hanging out her bum. She refused to let it out until I brought her back in. The thing I feel worse about is that all of my other dogs are being punished by this. They're all forced to spend lots of time outside because of her. I did think of the attention issue because my older daughter was going through a big jealousy thing after her sister was born and I had to give her extra attention. She didn't poo in her pants but did reverse back to pee'ing. I spend lots of time and give lots of attention to the dogs however, I do make a bit more time for Zoe, like last night when I took her out for a ride alone. Sometimes on the weekends her and I will go upstairs, just the two of us and play or watch t.v. or something. Any other ideas?
She does have separation anxiety but this all happens when I'm home. I don't think that would be an issue in this case.
-- Edited by ZoeandTucker at 09:10, 2005-07-20
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
i have no idea what could be the problem...im really sorry for you and your situation and the stress it is causing to the household .im pretty dumbfounded at what the problem may be and like you said you have spent so much $ trying to work it out and with no answers after all ~ it wont be the seperation anxiety as like you said that happens when you leave her alone.
Have you tried to research anything on the web and seeing if anything comes up
Man Zoe, I really don't know what to tell you. I know it's never a good idea to give up a dog because of problems they may have, but I almost think it would actually be better for her in the long run. You did say you have kids and 6 dogs, and a very large house. Maybe she needs a home where she is the only dog, and the person lives in a smaller house. I wouldn't think of it as you giving up on her, but that maybe your living situation is not enough to satify the needs that she has. Maybe the commotion of such a full household stresses her out and that could be why she is doing it. I dunno. I hope everything works out. It seems like you have done all that you can. Are you scared to re-home her thinking that maybe people will think less of you? Because I really don't think in this situation they would. Especially if she goes to a home where she is the only pet and starts to do better. Then you will know that that was probably just the environment she needed. I'm sorry you're going through this
-The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all
I too would be at my wits end. She sounds like a 4 month old pup. Have you tried the treats every time she went in the right place? Now what about a pair of undies? I know sounds odd but its worth a try. Those doggie undies. Did you ever find the grid for your screen. I can take a picture of mine so's you can show it to teh hardware store people.
I'm not afraid to rehome her because of people thinking less of me. I don't care what people think and I know I've done the best I can. I'm afraid to rehome her because she's the dog that will be bounced from household to household, animal shelter to animal shelter and I can't do that to her. I really do love her. It makes me cry just to think about it. She's one of my most precious babies. I don't know what she wants, I don't know what she needs, and it really hurts me that I can't fix it.
I've been doing treats with her since she was 6 wks. old. She's not food oriented. She's a beagle who only weighs 13 pds. She doesn't eat hardly at all. She could care less about food and she could care less about verbal phrase. She's affectionate on her own terms and the rest of the time she doesn't want anyone around her.
I can't find the grid. No one knows what I'm talking about. A picture would be very helpful. Thanks puttin.
Here's what I have been toying with in my head for a few months. She's EXTREMELY dominant. I've never seen a dog as dominant as her. When I take her somewhere I have to carry her because she marks a lot and when she marks she poo's. Do you think she feels the need to mark the house, her crate, and the cage this much? I can understand the cage because she's never in it alone. I put her in there with either Tucker or Toby and she could just be trying to let them know it's hers. What do you all think? Do you think this is all marking territorial, dominance issues?
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
Thats what I was thinking. After I got my pup, on occasion Sasha would pee in places she thought were heres. Right in front of her food bowl, on the couch, on my hubbys pillow. last but not leash right in front of Lillys food bowl. All this happened in the last 8 months. Not daily, more like once a month. I think she is fighting for the alpha spot. Do you have another alpha in the household, probably with 6 dogs. Are you using the enzyme killers to rid the spot of the smell. I don't think you should crate them together anymore. Give her her own crate bed area. Dogs like to have their own designated spot.
She has her own crate but because she eats everything she also has a large cage that is in the entryway in my house. When I am busy she goes in there and to give her someone to play with and so she isn't alone I put either Tucker or Toby in there with her. She never poo's in any specific spot. She just goes all over. I think she's just marking the whole house as hers. The only other alpha in the house is Daisy. Daisy is a 14 yr. old pom. Daisy stays upstairs most of the time now so there really aren't any confrontations between the 2. I have a baby gate at both sets of stairs now since Daisy doesn't come down often so the other dogs can't bother her. If Daisy wants to come down I have to carry her because she can't do the stairs anymore. Anyway my point is her and Daisy aren't really an issue. I think she just maybe wants to make sure everyone remembers its her territory.
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
do you work? if not an you are home most days and your garden was secure i was thinking you could maybe keep zoe outdoors in the back garden (weather permitting where you can keep an eye on her) maybe have a baby gate across the back door .. so you an still hear and see what going on from the house .. i was thinking that if she was outside that she would have to poop out there at some point or she would explode (or does she hold it real well) and maybe get in the act of pooping/scenting in the garden .. and praise her when she does (just an idea)
i agree with twink.if she is forced to stay outside she will have no choice but to go poo outside. keep an eye on her and when you see her go..praise her. when you let her in, if she starts to go in the house. put her right back out..she is being stubborn. you have to be more stubborn. eventually she will get a grasp on it. its frustrating. and crate her at night. dont let her have the run of the house until she has learned she cant poo or pee wherever she feels like it.
Here's something that, as crazy as it sounds, someone on another forum quite some time ago said worked for them. When you find that she has gone, have her where she can see what you are doing, and yell like the dickens at the "mess" - not at her, in fact totally ignore Zoe. For some unknown reason after 2-3 times this solved the problem them and what the heck, at this point, I know I'd be willing to try most anything!
I'm sorry Zoe, that totally makes sense. I can totally understand where you're coming from on that. I hope you are able to find a good solution to it all. Sounds very complicated...
-The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all
I've heard of people doing what Denise said, and they have also said that it works. I would feel pretty silly with my self but hey it's worth a shot at this point it sounds.
Yes. My name is now 'and Tucker. I'm going to go do that now. She is in her crate now just squealing away. Go ahead and squeal. I've had enough of her today. If she poo's too bad. She'll have to stay in there with it until I get back. My girls have gymnastics starting at 6:15 and I am extremely sick to my stomach so I cannot clean it up or I'll puke.
Should I try the newspaper and nose push? It seems so mean. I guess I'm willing to try anything at this point. After all, in a way, she's mean to me too. Well, she's mean to me in more than just "a way" she has bit me several times. I'm going to try it tomorrow. I'm sure she'll just bit me again but we'll see. Any time I try to exert any dominance on her what-so-ever she comes out snapping. I don't pull back either. That's why I get bit. She ripped my hands to shreds after a muzzle shake one day. I didn't pull back, but that was the first and last time Zoe got a muzzle shake.
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call