Well I would have slapped the holy crud outta her for biting me. Better yet, get an electronic collar and zap her at a distance. She does not sound like she would have lasted long with me. If an e-collar did not fix the problem, biting is an offense I would put a dog down for. Megan got real bad about not wanting to go out, and went growling at me, then lunged and snapped at me, we ended up in a mini fist fight. If she growls at me now, she gets popped real fast. I never should have let her get to 1st base on that one. She has not snapped since that time that I roughed her up. I'm lucky she is a small dog. Poor Tuna Chaser had to put his St. Bernard down for that. Meg is young enough that it may stick. I figure if she thinks she is tough enough to take me on, [she has always been timid, guess I'm doing a good job fixing that problem]then if we have further issues I will use an e-collar. So far, she seems to be finding a balance between shrink and swallow. I think they are just not too bright.
i wasnt gonna say it but now that ive seen someone else say it, ...................the nose push into the poo, and some affirmative ''NO'' did the trick for me. it took doing that 3 times before she learned not to poo in the house. i dont use anything to smack my pooch as i dont want her to ever be afraid of something coming at her.
Yeah, that is one of the true values of an e-collar. I have used them for bark problems, and once for a 100lb. dog that suddenly refused to go out, for whatever stupid reason he had in his head. Honestly, no one can get near them[my dogs], they are supervised 24/7 and there is no reason not to go outside, because I am watching them at all times. They just get stubborn sometimes, and can be real hard headed about things. I have learned to be so dominating in nature that timid animals will often run when I look at them. I am real soft and kind to my beta dogs, and have a Jack Nickolson personality to my alphas... I just have to turn the persona off when I meet friends' dogs. The dog blames the e-collar, and then itself, for the static shock it recieves. YOU are not part of the equation. Used correctly, the dog does not even see that you have anything to do with the zap. It just notices that bad behavior recieves correction [from a god-like mysterious source]. They often run to you for protection. They definately start avoiding the behaviors that elict the shock. They use them in rattlesnake avoidance training. Approach the snake, recieve the correction, just like that. Way beats the correction the snake will administer, and dogs are not as curious as cats...bad is bad to them...
(although pricey) i would defianately use an e-collar i have heard many miraculous stories about hard headed dogs being trained using these and imo i dont think they are cruel.. you could give yourself a shock and it wouldn't do no harm.. if harvey started acting up i would get one in an instant as there is no physical intervention needed and theres nothing worse than a dog being hand shy..
He does not seem like he would need one. They are not only pricey, they are easily chewed up. So must be monitored, placed correctly on the dog and the dog should not be with another that will chew it off...
I think I will go look for an e-collar today. That feels like the next "right" step for me. Her and Tucker will have to be separated. Tucker will chew it off. He chewed off her gentle leader for her and she chewed off his when they were babies. This will be hard on them but if it works, they'll make it through. I'm going out of town on Saturday and will be gone from the 23rd-August 1st. They will be in day care everyday while my husband is at work. If I got one this morning would it be okay to use it for 3 days and than stop for a week or should I just wait until I get back? Maybe the 3 days will be all it will take and I will come back to a stress free house. I've never looked at e-collars before. I assume there are all different sizes with different strengths of shock? Zoe needs the biggest one with the biggest shock. Absolutely nothing bothers her.
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
Brad just went and got an e-collar for Lexie. She's very strong willed, as most dobies are. He got the cheapest one he could find- $100. We just leave it on her at all times and you can turn it off, by putting the remote against the box on the collar. When you press that button, man does she let out a yelp!!! I have it on low and she yelps. I think it scares her more than anything. Even my hard hand on her bum doesn't make her yelp, but this tiny shock does. He got it on Saturday and I haven't had to use it at all today and yesterday she may have gotten one zap from it. Otherwise, she's doing really well on it. Hope it works out for you, ZT!!!!
I trained trinity with the e-collar and the nose in the poo. If I saw her getting ready to poo in the house I shocked her and then let her out. If I didn't shock her in time then I would rub her nose in it and then put her outside for a while.
Tell you, it trains them pretty quick. Labs are smart enough to know that when I say quiet, or I'm putting the collar on you, shuts them up fast. I haven't used one in quite some time, but consider them a last resort in a way...
Okay. I am going to leave here in 45 min. and I am going to get 3. One for Zoe, one for you, and one for me. I'll keep the remote to yours and you keep the remote to mine. Whenever we see each other on here too much we'll zap each other.
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
There is that stand up comedy routine that talks about the star tours in Hollywood where they drive by the celebrities houses and hear screaming. It is just that the celebs strap the bark collar on to see what it will do to their dog, they let out a loud woof, get zapped, then scream until they can get the thing off themselves[while it gives them countless corrections for the noise they are making]...
Nah, but he was real funny. I like the one where the guy says he just puts the dogs in the car then takes them back out. He says they get so excited, they would not remember they didn't actually go for a ride.
I have heard that one. I do it with my dogs all of the time. They really don't know the difference. Sometimes we do drive down the street and back. They think its the best thing ever.
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
I had the same problem with gidget for a time. She was house broke though and decided to pull that "I'm gonna poo and pee in the house simply to spite YOU" bit on me and she got her lil bum popped and her nose rubbed in it more thne once. She stopped right fast. At the age your dog is it is not as if they don't know the difference between where to go and where not to. You mentioned the dominance issue hmmmm maybe you can try lettin your other dogs out first and her last that way their scent in out there fresh and she may want to go simply to remark if you get my meaning.
This too I shall live through.
For like the Phoenix, I shall rise from the ashes and soar through the sky having been reborn. http://pitbulls-dobermans.tripod.com
This sounds really gross (and im not sure if theres any drawbacks to it but..) my dog trainer told me this story..
SOmeone else was having a problem with their dog scent marking in the house and just peeing every where and anywhere .. but the garden
AND by chance they were out walking with the dog and the man took a pee in the bush the dog then came straight up and marked the same spot where the man done a pee.
So they came home and tried the same thing .the man took a pee in a jug and poured it in places around the garden (on an area where it wouldn't get walked on) . they then let the dog out and it scented the places where the man poured the pee. Each time they praised the dog and it worked and they had no problems with the dog peeing in the house ever again..