Time to start getting worried about BSL - Please read. This has been brought on by the recent "pit bull" attacks. I apologize if this is a duplicate of any other postings and for being off topic. This is no time for "it's not my breed" or its "only" specific breeds. Crosspost far and wide!
323922 N. Hwy 2
Newport, WA 99156
Under the guise of banning "pit bulls" these breeds of dogs, along with any mixed breed dog containing as an element of it's make-up any of these breeds have been named explicitly, or by physical description in breed specific dog ordinances enacted, proposed, or tabled in the United States of America
There are NO stop gaps built into BSL to prevent the addition of all breeds of dogs.
Sorry if the above post seems confusing. Not all states are on there but there sure are a lot of dogs on the BSL list (not just pits) And my wonderful Great Dane is includded in the list.
so are my french bulldogs and german shepherd ! and my sisters boxers ! and even my brothers pugs ! they are just getting way too far over the line. if anyone thinks they are coming to take any of my dogs, they will be messing with one mean mama and papa !!
i really feel for all you people who own those breeds and what is happening .. its only time before this kind of law comes over here to the u.k..its frightening as an owner of dobie..
but i am VERY suprised to see A Great Dane on the list (im not sure what some of the other breeds are) ..they have got a fantastic reputation here and are known for being 'gentle giants' and a great family dog ..the only 'dangerous' thing about them is the size around small children (but heck thats like any other large breed)
also why the h*ll is ~
Pug, french bulldog, Golden R, Lab R, (Gol R & Lab R ~they are also well known family dogs here and very popular) on the list ..it looks like someone has put all the names in the hat a pulled out a few with a blindfold on ..
I think they are just trying to get rid of dogs all together. Makes me mad. Great Danes are very itimidating (sp) dogs due to their size. Oscar weighs 165 and he would hurt a fly. But unfortunatly people buy large dogs for the wrong reasons. They will never be able though to wipe this many dogs off. There will be a lot of really angry people at the capitols doorsteps if something like this even tried to happen.
Does anyone else think PETA is getting more and more involved with BSL? They don't like people having animals as pets and now all of a sudden the list of BSL has grown tremendously. It just seems odd to me. Who would consider a little pug vicious? I know that none of the dogs on there are vicious but not everyone does and some people are really afraid of some of those dogs but even if you are afraid of dogs why would you be afraid of a little pug? I smell PETA all over that. I say its time to lay off of the government a little and go straight to the source.
-- Edited by ZoeandTucker at 10:39, 2005-07-21
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
ZoeandTucker wrote: Does anyone else think PETA is getting more and more involved with BSL? They don't like people having animals as pets and now all of a sudden the list of BSL has grown tremendously. It just seems odd to me. Who would consider a little pug vicious? I know that none of the dogs on there are vicious but not everyone does and some people are really afraid of some of those dogs but even if you are afraid of dogs why would you be afraid of a little pug? I smell PETA all over that. I say its time to lay off of the government a little and go straight to the source. -- Edited by ZoeandTucker at 10:39, 2005-07-21
I agree, Zoe. It does smell very rank of PETA and their radical ways. I can NOT believe how many breeds there are on that list now!!! HOLY SH*T!!! I only signed 3 of those, I think. It said to only sign if you're a resident of that state, so a lot of those siggys will be invalid, due to people from out of state signing them. I signed the one for Iowa (stupid hick state!!!) and the one to get that lady out of the SPCA for killing all those dogs and the one for congress.
It blows my mind that pugs, french bullies, and some of the others are on that list. but I did notice that list wasn't for dogs that were banned necessarily they were dogs that were listed in ordinances of some sort. The way I understand that is maybe my husky wil be on that list but its in an ordinance that it must be in a fence in yard or soemthing similar to that because of its natural tendancy to run. However I agree, breeds should not be banned, people should jsut quit being so D*M* mean to dogs which in turn turns them mean. GRRRR I could get off on a whole tirade for that, but as my resident state is not listed I cannot sign any
I can't sign any of those because my state isn't on there, but what moron made this list??? Golden Retrievers????? Danes????? Pugs???? And whats up with all of the cattle (herding) breeds??? The St. Bernard? Are they out of their freaking minds? SB's were bred for rescue dogs (correct me if I'm wrong on that, but I bellieve I read that in the AKC's Dog Book (I have an edition from the 70's).
I see something like this as having a very HARD time ever passing because so many people will speak out about it. Banning dogs that provide a service (herding; rescue) will never happen. The person(s) who made this list is living a pipe dream.
It's my guess that they never intended on getting the whole list passed, but knew they'd have a better chance of getting it passed for agressive breeds (such as the pit) if they added in barganing power such as the other breeds. If it would have b een for pits only then there was a good chance that the bill would have been immediately dismissed. By adding in all of these other breeds, they can say "well, lets not dismiss the bill, lets reform it. We'll remove certain breeds and leave others". If it passes on that, then they will have attained the goal they originally set out to, just in a much more sly way.