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Post Info TOPIC: i scared myself silly !!

~Best In Show~ Senior Board Member!

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i scared myself silly !!

this has got to be a cross between being overly tired and being blonde ! i,m sitting in my bedroom on the comp. it is 3:38 in the morning. i hear a noise outside the window. i have my window open at night because its been so sounded like someone rattling keys. annie starts growling at the window.then rocky chimes in. after i wake quinn up because i'm so scared, i realize that harley, our gsd, isnt growling. well duh ! its because i forgot to let him in and he's outside my bedroom window. it was his choke chain i was hearing. then i,m walking back through my bathroom after letting him in and its semi-dark in there and i see a figure behind the bathroom door. i slammed the door on it in fright and "killed"  quinns bathrobe that was lurking behind the door. so i,m taking myself to bed before i do any serious damage to myself !   Afraid 

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get to bed before you do some serious damage lol ..

i only do silly stuff like put my purse in the fridge


~Best In Show~ Senior Board Member!

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i,m gone ! lol.  Sleepy 

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Post-a-Holic - Give this person a rabies shot!

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dont feel bad.........the other night i was out on the boat, and i woke up to go potty, and freaked out cause there was blood all over my pillow.   i was wiping all over my face and head with my hand and no blood!!!  i quickly run to the head, look in the mirror, still no blood.  confused, i go back to my room, turn on the light, and see that i had an american flag pillowcase.   i never pay attention to what the crew puts on the bunks, but i will now. Vampire 

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~Grand Champion~ Gold Medal Poster!

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LOL!!!!! I seems a lot of us are losing our minds. Last Sunday night I heard something hit our privacy fence and then I could swear I heard someone stealing stuff from ur backyard. Then I got scared that someone was going to break into the house. So 10 mintues later I get up and realize that its only a cat in the backyard.

My worst fear is home invasion while I am in bed alseep. Scares the crap out of me just thinking about it.


Post-a-Holic - Give this person a rabies shot!

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Wow, I fit right in! lol  I scare myself late night like that alot.  

Little different, but funny. The other night, Russ and I went to bed kind of early, worn out.  We were both out cold, then David opened the door and said "Dad"  We both jumped up, Russ flung his arm out really hard....his fist missed my nose by less than in inch. He would broke my nose for sure!!! 

David is asking stupid questions, I am repeating "You almost punched me, YOU ALMOST PUNCHED ME!" Russ is muttering "Huh, what, huh, what?"    Like the three stooges!

When it finally sunk in Russ' brain what I was saying, David laughed and said "Uh, yeah you did almost punch her!"  lol  

He said it just would have been pay back for all I put him through on a daily basis......well....fair enough! lol


~Grand Champion~ Gold Medal Poster!

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Did you guys what scarey movies last night???? LOL  I remember years ago when my ex used to work nights. My step mother told me, if something scares you, you can either lay there frozen in fear, or get up and find out where its coming from, 9 times out of 10 its nothing, so why put yourself thru all that fear. Sooo, I figure I'm not wasting my time being scared anymore. I spent 8 years being alone at night, ex working graveyard shift.  In my household, I am the only one that ever hears anything.  I always get up to see what it is.  I always tell hubby we could get robbed blind and he would still be asleep.


Post-a-Holic - Give this person a rabies shot!

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OH! How could I forget this one!!  Have you ever scared the poopy right out of your dog?  I know, sounds cruel, but was TOO funny!

Eveynight, Molly is on my heels to go to bed, she won't go up when Russ does, she waits for me and pesters me if I stay up too late.

So the other night, she didn't see me go up...our hallway is a "L" shape, so I was at my door and yelled for her. She came flying up the steps, I waited at the corner and jumped out and yelled "HEY" really loud. I SWEAR I have never heard a dog scream before, but she literally screamed and jumped back. OMG it was hilarious.

Everyone upstairs heard it and we were all cracking up.  I just wish they could have seen her face! Priceless.   She went to bed and crawled under the blankets and pouted! She wouldn't even give me kiss!!!!  lol

I know, I know, I am SO mean! lol


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@ MPP you are soo mean lol ..if a noise makes Harvey Jumps he goes into 'woof-woof' mode looking all tough but hes such a wimp really



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MPP wrote:
"Have you ever scared the poopy right out of your dog?"

YES I HAVE!!! Literally!! Well, not me but my cousin did when Mollie and I still lived with my parents. He came over and she didn't like men at the time so him just being there was enough to p*ss her off. Well, she came into the room and Thomas (my cousin) jumped out at her and was like "RARRGGGHHH!!!!" really loud and she bolted straight into the kitchen and sh*t while she was running, and there was sh*t all over the kitchen floor and the lower cupboards and the rug and everything!! It was soooo gross!!! Mom made me clean it up too, I think Thomas should have!! lol

Then one time, my brother in law came over to our house and I was in the kitchen holding Mollie and he ran up to me and scared Mollie and, "ploop", a turd fell right outta her butt, onto the floor!!! It was a lot better than when Thomas scared her, but still!!! I guess it's that "fight or flight" instinct, or in her case it's "sh*t or get off the pot!!" lol


Post-a-Holic - Give this person a rabies shot!

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ROFL with tears! That is hilarious.  OMG...

Yes, I would have made Thomas clean it!!

That is too funny...


~Best In Show~ Senior Board Member!

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Poor doggies. You meanies...
Mine get scared when I do something they have not seen before. They will bark at me like I'm a total stranger. Scares the heck outta me. I was looking at this fan the other day[kinda bent over], and Buck woke up and started his big loud bark at me. I startled so bad I slapped his kennel with the book I was holding and yelled at him. He just gave me a stupidlook...


Post-a-Holic - Give this person a rabies shot!

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I have reacted like that too when these guys scare me...and they will be all quiet and then "WOOF" I about jump outta my skin! Well, that would be Rocky...Molly's isn't as bad! lol

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