I have had Peg Leg Pete for about 8-9 years now. He is an Indian Ringneck. He has been so lonely ever since I had to move Sinbad, green winged macaw, to a new home. He never would talk for me, but when Sinbad came into our lives, he repeated everything that bird said!!
Now he only mutters these words when alone and he thinks no one can hear him. So I went out and bought him a buddy. A little parakeet.
They are doing great together. Pete talks to it. He seems to be kind of bossy, but hasn't tried to hurt it or be mean. The little bird, Tweety Bird, seems to like to sit right in front of Pete's dish. Like he knows he is making Pete mad! But Pete just nudges him and moves him! lol
I will have to get pics. They seem to enjoy each others company. Although when Pete squaks the little bird about jumps out of his feathers...I think he is used to it now though.
Pete is not a people friendly bird, so them being together won't affect anything. I know they say if you want your bird to be loving to you it should be alone or it will share its affection with the other bird...well, that is fine with me, hated seeing him so lonely!
How cute. You even got one in matching green There was a turquoise parakeet flying wild about the house a couple weeks ago. I had a variety of parakeets and cockatiels, and finches throughout the years. Now I don't try to own them, but I do enjoy seeing them.
I had a cockatiel when I was growing up. My mom named it Precious. I called it Satan. I have never seen such a mean bird in my life. It would keep a cheerio in its mouth at all times and when you walked by it if you didn't talk to it, it would spit the cheerio at you. We left the cage door open and it would just come and go as it pleased. My mom had it potty trained and it would only go to the bathroom in the cage. Sometimes if it came and sat down next to you and you didn't give it attention right away it would get on your head and peck. It also cussed like a sailor. My mom is very good with birds. I still don't know why she taught it to cuss. I guess she thought it was funny. You couldn't put your hand in the cage when it was in there. If it needed food or water you had to wait until it wasn't in there and was in another room or it got SOOOOO angry and it would peck and chase you around the house. It really was a devil bird.
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
Pete is ok as long as you don't tough him. He is friendly to you and wants you to talk to him AND FEED HIM. he is the most beggingest (real word? lol) bird you have ever seen. You can't go to the kitchen, dinner table or have food without him freaking out!! lol He loves people food. Especially corn!
I love birds. I would love to have another one. My husband doesn't like them and he thinks their dirty to have in the house. He always says, All of these tenants and no rent money, talking about the dogs. He's such a goofball. He always yells at bugs when he kills them. It cracks me up just to think about it. While he's smacking a bug he says, Where's my rent, b***h? He's so dumb. I love him
Saving just one dog won't save the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog. -Richard C. Call
my ex roommate had two conure parrots. rosta was so mean and would only love on norm. gypsy was mean too, but eventually she took to me and would sit on my shoulder and eat off my plate she would start trying to crowd me out and then peck my cheek lightly. when i would lay on the couch she would walk along the armrest and peck me in the head if she thought i was falling asleep. they didnt like being put back in the cage and would scream so loud my neighbors could hear them. and yes , they are very messy ! norm had cats too. the birds would attack the cats if they got too close. for being so small , they had all the others animals in the house kept in check ! lol